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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: WildFly 35, Jakarta EE 11 Update, Java Operator SDK 5.0-RC1

Java News Roundup: WildFly 35, Jakarta EE 11 Update, Java Operator SDK 5.0-RC1

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This week's Java roundup for January 6th, 2025, features news highlighting: the release of WildFly 35; Java Operator SDK 5.0-RC1; Spring Framework 2023.0.5; Micronaut 4.7.4; Quarkus 3.17.6; Arquillian 1.9.3; and an update on Jakarta EE 11.

JDK 24

Build 31 of the JDK 24 early-access builds was made available this past week featuring updates from Build 30 that include fixes for various issues. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

JDK 25

Build 5 of the JDK 25 early-access builds was also made available this past week featuring updates from Build 4 that include fixes for various issues. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

For JDK 24 and JDK 25, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

Jakarta EE 11

In his weekly Hashtag Jakarta EE blog, Ivar Grimstad, Jakarta EE developer advocate at the Eclipse Foundation, provided an update on Jakarta EE 11, writing:

Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 was released in December. You can check out all the details on the updated Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 specification page. The next out will be Jakarta EE Web Profile 11, which will be released as soon as there is a compatible implementation that passes the refactored TCK. The Jakarta EE Platform 11 will follow after the Web Profile.

The road to Jakarta EE 11 included four milestone releases, the release of Core Profile with the potential for release candidates as necessary before the GA releases of the Platform and Web Profile in 1Q2025.

Spring Framework

Spring Cloud 2023.0.5, codenamed Leyton, has been released featuring bug fixes and notable updates to sub-projects: Spring Cloud Kubernetes 3.1.5; Spring Cloud Function 4.1.5; Spring Cloud Stream 4.1.5; and Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker 3.1.4. This release is based upon Spring Boot 3.4.0. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.


The release of WildFly 3.5 primarily focuses on support for MicroProfile 7.0 and the updated specifications, namely: MicroProfile Telemetry 2.0; MicroProfile Open API 4.0; MicroProfile Rest Client 4.0; and MicroProfile Fault Tolerance 4.1. Along with bug fixes and dependency upgrades, other enhancements include: a refactor of the WildFlyOpenTelemetryConfig class as it had become too large and unmanageable; and the addition of profiles in the source code base for a "cleaner organization of the build and testsuite execution so the base and expansion parts can be independently built, and, more importantly, can be independently tested." More details on this release may be found in the release notes. InfoQ will follow up with a more detailed news story.


The Micronaut Foundation has released version 4.7.4 of the Micronaut Framework featuring Micronaut Core 4.7.11, bug fixes and patch updates to modules: Micronaut Serialization and Micronaut Discovery Client. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.


Quarkus 3.17.6, the fifth maintenance release (3.17.1 was skipped due to a regression), ships with bug fixes, dependency upgrades and notable resolutions to issues such as: a NullPointerException caused by the mappingToNames() method, defined in the BuildTimeConfigurationReader class, using the SmallRye Config PropertyName class to map with mapping names; and bootstrapping an application crashes using the Dev Console. More details on this release may be found in the changelog.

Java Operator SDK

The first release candidate of Java Operator SDK 5.0.0 ships with continuous improvements on new features such as: the Kubernetes Server-Side Apply elevated to a first-class citizen with a default approach for patching the status resource; and a change in responsibility with the EventSource interface to monitor the resources and handles accessing the cached resources, filtering, and additional capabilities that was once maintained by the ResourceEventSource subinterface. Further details on this release may be found in the changelog.


A week after the release of version 1.9.2, Arquillian 1.9.3 provides dependency upgrades and improvements to the ExceptionProxy class to produce a meaningful stack trace when the exception class is missing on a client. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

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