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InfoQ Homepage News Java News Roundup: Stable Values, Payara Platform, Oracle Critical Patch Update, GraalVM, BellSoft

Java News Roundup: Stable Values, Payara Platform, Oracle Critical Patch Update, GraalVM, BellSoft

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This week's Java roundup for January 20th, 2025, features news highlighting: JEP 502, Stable Values (Preview); Oracle's Critical Patch Update (CPU) for January 2025; the January 2025 release of the Payara Platform; GraalVM for JDK 23 Community 23.0.2; and BellSoft CPU patches for Liberica JDK.


JEP 502, Stable Values (Preview), has been promoted from its JEP Draft 8312611 to Candidate status. Formerly known as Computed Constants (Preview), this JEP introduces the concept of computed constants, defined as immutable value holders that are initialized at most once. This offers the performance and safety benefits of final fields, while offering greater flexibility as to the timing of initialization.

Oracle has released versions 23.0.2, 21.0.6, 17.0.14, 11.0.26, and 8u441 of the JDK as part of the quarterly Critical Patch Update Advisory for January 2025. More details on this release may be found in the release notes for version 23.0.2, version 21.0.6, version 17.0.14, version 11.0.26 and version 8u441.

JDK 24

Build 33 of the JDK 24 early-access builds was made available this past week featuring updates from Build 32 that include fixes for various issues. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.

JDK 25

Build 7 of the JDK 25 early-access builds was also made available this past week featuring updates from Build 6 that include fixes for various issues. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

For JDK 24 and JDK 25, developers are encouraged to report bugs via the Java Bug Database.

Jakarta EE

In his weekly Hashtag Jakarta EE blog, Ivar Grimstad, Jakarta EE developer advocate at the Eclipse Foundation, provided an update on Jakarta EE 11, writing:

Here's some good news! The Jakarta NoSQL project is ready to release version 1.0 of the specification. At the moment, they are putting together the last bits and pieces of the material required for the release review by the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. You can look at it in the pull request for that purpose. It is a big milestone for a Jakarta specification project to release the first version of a specification. Congratulations to the team!

As for Jakarta EE 11, the Jakarta EE TCK project members continue their efforts to finalize the Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 TCK. There are just a couple of tests remaining and the focus is currently on updating the TCK User Guide for the refactored way of running the tests. You can follow their progress on their GitHub Project Board.

The road to Jakarta EE 11 included four milestone releases, the release of Core Profile in December 2024, and the potential for release candidates as necessary before the GA releases of the Platform and Web Profile in 1Q2025.


The release of GraalVM for JDK 23 Community 23.0.2 features fixes based on the Oracle Critical Patch Update for January 2025. These include resolutions to: an instance of the CompareNode class propagating the wrong value of the unorderIsTrue attribute; and an adoption of JDK-8314794, Improve UTF8 String Support. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes.


Concurrent with Oracle's Critical Patch Update (CPU) for January 2025, BellSoft has released CPU patches for versions,,, 8u441, 7u451 and 6u451 of Liberica JDK, their downstream distribution of OpenJDK, to address this list of CVEs. In addition, Patch Set Update (PSU) versions 23.0.2, 21.0.6, 17.0.14, 11.0.26 and 8u441, containing CPU and non-critical fixes, have also been released.

With an overall total of 847 fixes and backports, BellSoft states that they have participated in eliminating six (6) issues in all releases.

Spring Framework

It was a busy week over at Spring as the various teams have delivered milestone releases of Spring Boot, Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Security, Spring Integration and Spring Modulith. There were also point releases of Spring AI MCP, Spring AMQP, Spring for Apache Kafka and Spring for Apache Pulsar. More details may be found in this InfoQ news story.


Payara has released their January 2025 edition of the Payara Platform that includes Community Edition 6.2025.1, Enterprise Edition 6.22.0 and Enterprise Edition 5.71.0. All three releases provide critical bug fixes, component upgrades and a new feature that adds new sub-commands to the asadmin command: create-system-property that enables dynamic system property configuration; and create-jvm-option that allows JVM option management directly through the command line.

There was also a resolution to CVE-2024-45687, a vulnerability in Payara Platform that allows an attacker to take advantage of improper neutralization of CRLF sequences in HTTP headers that allows for manipulating state and identity spoofing. Further details on these releases may be found in the release notes for Community Edition 6.2025.1 and Enterprise Edition 6.22.0 and Enterprise Edition 5.71.0.


The release of Hibernate ORM 6.6.5 features a dependency upgrade to ByteBuddy 1.15.11 and resolutions to issues such as: a NoSuchElementException upon creating an instance of the SessionFactory interface if a class annotated with @Embeddable with no persistent property having a @MappedSuperclass with a persistent property is mapped as embedded property of an entity; and the use of the @ElementCollection and @Comment annotations together is overriding the entity class level @Comment instead of creation comment on the table created for the @ElementCollection.

The release of Hibernate Reactive 2.4.4.Final features resolutions to two notable issues: an UnexpectedAccessToTheDatabase error when merging a detached entity with a to-many (OneToMany, ManyToMany) association; and a ClassCastException when using embedded identifiers that is related to a Quarkus issue in which the use of the Jakarta Persistence @JoinColumns annotation is not supported by Hibernate Reactive.


Infinispan 15.1.4 ships with dependency upgrades and notable changes such as: a reduction of virtual thread pinned events that include replacing a synchronized block with a lock and using platform threads with a non-blocking thread pool; and limit the reindexing concurrency pressure to 100 to avoid an overflow of the Hibernate Search indexing buffers. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

Eclipse Vert.x

The release of of Eclipse Vert.x 4.5.12 provides dependency upgrades to Netty 4.1.117.Final and Micrometer 1.12.13, and resolutions to notable issues such as: the sendResponse() method, returning Future<ProxyContext> and defined in the ProxyContext interface, does not complete if the body is set to null; and a worker thread returning null due to an instance of the OpenTelemetryTracer class obtaining the active OpenTelemetry context from the local thread instead of the context passed from Vert.x. Further details on this release may be found in the release notes and deprecations and breaking changes.


The release of Gradle 8.12.1 resolves notable issues such as: Gradle daemons unable to send pings to each other from an instance of the FileLockCommunicator class with a macOS 15.1 firewall and use of Crowdstrike and SentinelOne; and the default working directory for an instance of the ExecSpec interface had changed between version 8.11 and version 8.12. More details on this release may be found in the release notes.

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