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InfoQ Homepage News RubyConf 2006 Call for Proposals

RubyConf 2006 Call for Proposals

RubyConf 2006 will be held at the Embassy Suites Southeast in Denver, Colorado on October 20-22, 2006. The deadline for proposals is June 30, 2006 and presentations are expected to be approximately 45-55 minutes. As usual, David Black, author of Ruby for Rails and well-known figure in the Ruby community is the conference organizer.

It remains to be seen how the excitement around Rails will affect attendance this year. Attendance rose sharply last year in October on the buzz around Ruby in general and Rails in particular. Will the conference be kept small like last year, capped at 200? Registration should open soon and we'll find out.

There have always been strong links between this event and the Agile community, including attendance and talks by Dave Thomas, Martin Fowler, Ron Jeffries, Brian Marick, and other Agile practitioners and mentors.

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