Backend platforms were also surveyed, with PHP (50%) the most used for Ajax, followed by Java (37%), .NET (16%), and Rails (14%). Interestingly, 25% of respondents are doing direct HTTPXMLRequest with no remoting frameworks.
The raw results let you filter by answers, allowing us to see what frameworks people chose who also said that they use a specific back-end. Using that tool, InfoQ did some filtering to uncover that the Java, .NET, and Ruby communities each were using the following top frameworks (sorted by proportion):
- Java: Prototype (35.2%), DWR (31.2%), and Dojo (28.6%). GWT was at 7.2%. 22% do direct XMLHTTPRequest.
- .NET: Prototype (32.4%), MS Atlas (27.2%), Dojo (17.6%), AJAX.NET professional (14%). 37% do direct XMLHTTPRequest.
- Rails: Prototype (74.8%), Dojo (20.2%). Interestingly, 67.2% use Scriptaculous for effects. Only 16% do direct XMLHTTPRequest.