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InfoQ Homepage Patterns Content on InfoQ

  • Q&A with Frederic Laloux on Reinventing Organizations

    In the book reinventing organizations Frederic Laloux researched 12 organizations who use fundamentally new ways to manage work and their employees. InfoQ interviewed Frederic about how evolutionary-teal organizations manage themselves, practices for start-ups, self-organizing organizations, renewing approaches for managing performance of employees and results from evolutionary-teal organizations.

  • Q&A about the book Common System and Software Testing Pitfalls

    The book Common System and Software Testing Pitfalls by Donald Firesmith provides descriptions of 92 pitfalls that make testing less efficient and effective. The descriptions explain what testers and stakeholders can do to avoid falling into the pitfalls and how to deal with the consequences when they have fallen into them.

  • Boost Potential with Shared Authority and Lean Management

    Shared leadership is a modern and exciting way to lead and manage. The goal of sharing authority within a team of leaders is to maximize the use of all capabilities and ideas in the organization. It does not force change upon the organizational structure, but builds on the existing structure and makes the best of it. In this article Walid Farag explores shared leadership and provides a case study.

  • Q&A with Jurgen Appelo on Management 3.0 Workout

    The book Management 3.0 Workout by Jurgen Appelo contains games, practices, stories and tools that can be used to improve management in organizations. Managers can use the book to develop skills for servant leadership and increase employee engagement. Agile teams can adopt management practices described in the book to improve team work and collaboration helping them to become self-organizing.

  • Agile Architecture Applied

    Agile is adaptive. When and how to apply architecture depends on the context. This article first explains why this is the case and then how you can still give proper attention to architecture in an agile setting. Adaptability and conversation are the essentials.

  • Microservices: Decomposing Applications for Deployability and Scalability

    What are microservices? This article describes the increasingly popular Microservice architecture pattern, used to architect large, complex and long-lived applications as a set of cohesive services that evolve over time.

  • Twenty Years of Patterns’ Impact

    In this article, authors talk about the impact of pattern languages on the software design community over the past 20 years. They discuss patterns like Enterprise Integration Patterns, open source ESBs and patterns as a design tool.

  • Modern Enterprise Performance Analysis Antipatterns

    In this article we present some of the most common performance analysis antipatterns in the enterprise platform, expressed in terms of their basic causes along with remediation strategies.

  • Author Q&A: Patterns of Information Management

    Mandy Chessell and Harald Smith have written a book titles Patterns of Information Management in which they present approaches to structuring and managing information assets based on their experiences across a range of customers. They use a Patterns approach to identify ways of addressing information problems which are common to many of the organisations they have worked with.

  • Design Patterns: Magic or Myth?

    In this article, author discusses the effectiveness of the usage of design patterns in software development. The analysis is based on surveys and mapping studies conducted to indicate which patterns were considered useful under what circumstances.

  • Bridging Subsidiaries With the Cloud to Create a Global API

    One of the biggest challenges in modern business is how you integrate subsidiaries and present a single global view so that customers and partners find it simpler to integrate with your organisation. In this article we will discuss a fictitious sample based on a real-world scenario and look at some of the challenges and good practices that you should look to implement to be successful.

  • Interview: Adrian Cockcroft on High Availability, Best Practices, and Lessons Learned in the Cloud

    Netflix is a widely referenced case study for how to effectively operate a cloud application at scale. While their hyper-resilient approach may not be necessary at most organizations, Netflix has advanced the conversation about what it means to build modern systems. In this interview, InfoQ spoke with Adrian Cockcroft who is the Cloud Architect for the Netflix platform.