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  • Interview: Tim Bray on the Future of the Web

    In this interview made during QCon SF 2008, Tim Bray talks about why he is not convinced with the buzz surrounding Rich Internet Applications and shares his ideas on Cloud Computing. He also expresses his opinion regarding the debate REST vs. WS-* and the future directions web technologies will be taking.

  • MIX 09: Microsoft Announces SilverLight 3, Expression 3, ASP.Net 4, Web-PI, Web Galery and More

    In a breath taking keynote, Microsoft announced its new wave of technologies addressing the needs of Web, Media and RIA development. Bill Buxton and Scott Guthrie demonstrated the new features that bring user experience and productivity to a new level.

  • Eclipse Banking Day London

    Last week's Eclipse Banking Day in London saw 80+ attendees discuss the use of Eclipse in banking. Sponsored by the Eclipse foundation, in conjunction with Sybase, Cloudsmith, Actuate, Itemis and WeigleWilczek, there were eleven presentations and four short talks by members of the banking and Eclipse communities.

  • Case Study: Success with SOA at CISCO

    Harvinder Kalsi, lead architect at CISCO, shared artifacts, anecdotes and tips covering their four-step maturity process, major design concerns, and SOA platform at the last SOA consortium meeting. He also spoke about SOA success factors across people, process and technology dimensions, including the importance of business participation and business ownership of processes, policies and rules.

  • Article: WebSphere CTO Jerry Cuomo on WebSphere Trends 2009

    In an exclusive InfoQ article, IBM's WebSphere CTO Jerry Cuomo outlines the 10 top technology direction he envisions for the WebSphere product line in 2009, including Business Mash-ups, a Middleware-as-a-Service offering, cloud support, WAS.NEXT and REST support in multiple products.

  • Why has the Web become the Default Development Platform?

    Joe Walker, creator of Direct Web Remoting (DWR) , has been summing up the reasons that as he thinks have lead the Web to become the default development platform over the last years. Easy of deployment, simple UI programming, simplicity of HTML and Openness made the Web become the most scalable system today.

  • The Massive, Monolithic JDK should become Modular

    Mark Reinhold, Principal Engineer at Sun Microsystems, has been advocating about how “cool” would be for the Sun JDK to be modular. He’s is putting up a good argument about how the complexity is hurting the platform and how the Java Kernel and Quickstarter features in the JDK 6u10 release just address the symptoms of JDK’s long-term interconnected growth.

  • JBoss Introduces Feature Packs

    JBoss has introduced the concept of feature packs: a new release format that supports existing clients optionally getting new and upgraded functionality sooner.

  • Aster In-Database MapReduce

    Aster Data Systems has announced an in-database MapReduce implementation for their nCluster database platform.

  • Interview: Neal Ford On Programming Languages and Platforms

    In this interview made by Sadek Drobi during QCon San Francisco 2007, Neal Ford talks about the tendency of having multiple languages running on one of the two major platforms existing today: Java and .NET. He also presents the advantages offered by Ruby compared to static languages like Java or C#.

  • Ruby and Rails Software Stacks Overview

    A growing number of fully fledged software stacks for Ruby is available, providing all the necessary software you need to run an application, including web and database servers. They come in different flavors: virtual machine images, Amazon EC2 images and installer based. We take a look at some of them to give you an overview.

  • Is Database-as-a-Service a Bad Idea?

    Data Management represents a strategic asset for Cloud Platforms as the most popular Data Services will likely command the largest platform market share. In a post this week, Arnon Rotem-gal-Oz argues that "Database-as-a-Service" is a bad idea. Would you trust your enterprise data to DaaS?

  • The Industrialization of Software Delivery

    IT has consistently failed to deliver expected value time and time again. According to Ian Thomas, Industrialization (componentization, specialization) may be a solution for supporting software agility and reliability in the new business environment.

  • Comparing Virtual Machine Interfaces

    Andrew John Hughes, one of the OpenJDK Innovators' Challenge finalists, has posted a multi-part comparison of the interface between OpenJDK, GNU Classpath, and their respective virtual machine implementations.

  • Google Introduces GWT Overlay Types

    Javascript Overlay Types is a new feature in GWT 1.5 that simplifies the process of interacting with native Javascript data structures in GWT applications.