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InfoQ Homepage Podcasts Richard Kasperowski on Building High Performing Teams and the Core Protocols

Richard Kasperowski on Building High Performing Teams and the Core Protocols

This is the Engineering Culture Podcast, from the people behind and the QCon conferences.

In this podcast Shane Hastie, Lead Editor in the Culture & Methods area, spoke to Richard Kasperowski at the QCon San Francisco conference.   

Key Takeaways

  • Agile is not new, and the ideas help organisations focus on building the right thing and building it right
  • High performing teams have some specific characteristics which can be measured
  • Over 200 different things have been identified as “the one thing” needed for high performance
  • All the research shows that the social/cultural factors are more important than technical skills for high performance
  • The behaviour patterns of the Core Protocols seem to cause high performing teams
  • To work well as a high performing team, the members must be able to connect with each other effectively

0m:30s - Introductions

1m:35s - Agile is not a new set of ideas 

1m:55s - The inflection-point, where organisations grow beyond being start-ups and need to change their way of working

2m:10s - What is special about agile – build the right thing and build it right

2m:45s - The importance of high technical standards

3m:15s - Characteristics of high performing teams

4m:05s - Research which explains the things that make high performing teams

4m:55s - Over 200 different things that have been identified as “the one thing” needed for high performance

5m:20s - Survey by Gama Sutra – the importance of shared vision

5m:50s - Google – the importance of Psychological Safety

6m:40s - Describing what team emotional intelligence is and why it matters

7m:35s - Hi individual emotional intelligence does not necessarily result in high team emotional intelligence

7m:50s - All the research shows that the social/cultural factors are more important than technical skills for high performance

8m:35s - The value of the Core Protocols which seem to cause high performing teams

9m:55s - The link between the Core Protocols and team emotional intelligence

10m:00s - An example of the “check-in” protocol

10m:25s - You can teach the Core Protocols, which induce high team EI & psychological safety

11m:15s - Learning the Core Protocols is similar to learning a second language

11m:45s - Learning through intentional practice to raise individual and team EI

12m:05s - What the Core Protocols are and how they were identified

12m:55s - A pattern language for attaining personal self-awareness

13m:25s - Explaining the Check-in core protocol

14m:10s - Core Protocols as a set of instructions, like a programming language

15m:15s - To work well as a high performing team, the members must be able to connect with each other effectively


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