InfoQ Homepage Presentations Why is a Monad Like a Writing Desk?
Why is a Monad Like a Writing Desk?
Carin Meier tells the story of Alice discovering Monads, meeting three types of monads – Identity, Maybe, State-, and learning how to implement them in Clojure.
Carin Meier is a software developer at EdgeCase. She started off as a professional ballet dancer, studied Physics in college, and has been developing software for both the enterprise and entrepreneur for the past 15 years. She comes from a solid Java background, but has discovered a passion for the simplicity, power, and elegance of Clojure.
About the conference
Clojure/West is a new conference bringing the Clojure community together to discuss techniques, tools, and the state of the Clojure ecosystem March 16-17th for three tracks of sessions. Prior to the conference, register for three days of training by the Clojure experts.