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InfoQ Homepage Presentations The Impact of Lean and Agile Quantified: 2014

The Impact of Lean and Agile Quantified: 2014



Larry Maccherone presents the latest findings on the attempt to quantify the benefits of introducing an Agile culture and practices into an organization.


Larry Maccherone is an industry recognized Agile thought leader. He has recently started serving as Tasktop's Data Scientist, but he most recently served as Rally Software's Director of Analytics and Research where he led a team using big data techniques to draw interesting insights, provide performance metrics, and provide products that allow Rally customers to make better decisions with data.

About the conference

Lean Kanban United Kingdom is the conference for managers, team leads, consultants and executives who want to more reliably deliver the products and services their customers demand.In 2 days, learn how to achieve improved business agility through faster, more predictable and more flexible service delivery. Includes case studies (Skype, iTV, and more), workshops, and industry metrics.

Recorded at:

Jan 26, 2015