InfoQ Homepage Presentations Playful Leadership: The Art and Science of Emotions
Playful Leadership: The Art and Science of Emotions
Portia Tung explores the role of emotions and how they are made, showing the way towards authentic leadership through greater emotional intelligence.
Portia Tung is a Personal and Executive coach, Agile coach and play researcher creating transformative change in a range of organizations including the Prime Minister’s Office, the NHS, British Airways and global financial institutions. Portia is the author of The Dream Team Nightmare.
About the conference
Aginext is for advanced agilists. That means we need to listen to feedback and be eager to adapt to change. The COVID-19 pandemic makes our conference untenable in its existing co-located form. After careful consideration and collaboration with our team, our brilliant speakers, and our venue, we are moving the 2020 Aginext Conference Online.