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InfoQ Homepage Presentations Streaming SQL Foundations: Why I ❤ Streams+Tables

Streaming SQL Foundations: Why I ❤ Streams+Tables



Tyler Akidau explores the relationship between the Beam Model and stream & table theory. He explains what is required to provide robust stream processing support in SQL and discusses concrete efforts that have been made in this area by the Apache Beam, Calcite, and Flink communities, compare to other offerings such as Apache Kafka’s KSQL and Apache Spark’s Structured streaming.


Tyler Akidau is a senior staff software engineer at Google, where he is the technical lead for the Data Processing Languages & Systems group, responsible for Google's Apache Beam efforts, Google Cloud Dataflow, and internal data processing tools like Google Flume, MapReduce, and MillWheel. His also a founding member of the Apache Beam PMC.

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Recorded at:

May 04, 2018