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  • Rocket to Mars: A Sprint Planning Game

    “Many team and their product owners believe that the team's unique job is to deliver more and more story points, but we consider this to be a complete misunderstanding of the relation between the team and the product owner” said Damien Thouvenin and Pierrick Revol. They ran a sprint planning game on investing time to produce stories, investigate issues, reduce technical debt, or do training.

  • How Retrospectives Can Support Learning in Lean Startup

    The build-measure-learn feedback loop in lean startup aims to help entrepreneurs to learn about the needs of their customers. Agile retrospectives are a way to reflect and learn and to agree on changes that are needed. Some examples describing how lean startup can be supported with agile retrospectives to learn and take actions.

  • Is Getting Rid of All Projects a Good Idea?

    At the XP Days Benelux conference, Paul Kuijten did a session called "kill all projects" where he questioned if getting rid of all projects could be a good idea. InfoQ did an interview with Paul about project management practices that can be valuable for agile, and the funding of product development.

  • Applying the Lean Startup Approach in Enterprises

    Coming to decisions about which products to build or which features to add to existing products can be difficult. The lean startup approach can help to get insight into the needs of customers, and to build a sustainable business around a set of products and services that serves those needs. How can enterprises adopt the lean startup approach to become more innovative and competitive?

  • Using Feedback Techniques for the Website

    Jake Benilov will give a talk on September 27 at Agile Tour Brussels about feedback techniques used for making InfoQ did an interview with Jake about using the feedback techniques and how the team applies lean startup with minimum viable products to do user research.

  • Benefits of Combining Agile and Lean Startup

    Enterprises want to increase their capability to deliver value to customers in less time. Many adopt agile software development to iteratively develop and deliver software solutions. Lean startup aims to support developing new businesses and products. Several authors shared their views on how combining agile and lean startup methods can be beneficial.

  • An MVP is about Smart Learning

    Steve Blank explains the real goal of an MVP is to start the learning process, not to create a smaller and cheaper version of the final product.

  • Combining Data, Intuition and Fun in Lean Startup

    The lean startup is a “scientific approach to creating and managing startups” as Eric Ries describes in the lean startup principles. It uses “hard things” like validated learning with experiments and data. But what the “soft things” like intuition, guts, feelings, passion, inspiration and fun, do they also matter when you are developing new products?

  • Reimagining ALM

    Sam Guckenheimer proposes to reimagine ALM to enable continuous feedback on software projects with a metric based on how long it takes to drive an experiment and obtain validated learning from it.

  • Pivoting when Using Lean Startup for Product Development

    There are different types of pivots possible in lean startup, which help you to decide whether to persevere or pivot during product development. They each with their own purpose and ways to use them. Let’s explore some of them to see when and how you can pivot? Or maybe have to decide that it’s better to quit?

  • Why the Lean Start-up Changes Everything

    Steve Blank makes the argument that mainstream adoption of the lean start-up is not only attainable, but would provide the basis for a newer innovation based economy.

  • Different Approaches for Product Backlog Grooming

    The purpose of backlog grooming is to keep the product backlog up to date and clean. Different approaches are used by product owners and teams to do this.

  • Learning from Failures with The Lean Startup

    The lean startup is about fast delivery of desired products to customers, and increasing your understanding about the needs of customers. With the lean startup, people can learn faster from failures and become better innovators. There are teachers that use a lean startup based approach in education, which helps their students to learn faster.

  • Video Lessons on Agile Coaching and Organizational Change

    Two video lessons covering agile coaching and organizational change were released by Pearson/Addison-Wesley in the last quarter of 2012. They provide a different way to increase knowledge on agile adoption for visual and audible learners.

  • Business Process Improvement Using Agile

    Organizations want to improve their business processes, and today they need to do it faster. Is it possible to use agile methods and techniques for business process improvement?