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InfoQ Homepage Quality Content on InfoQ

  • Quality Code - Book Review and Interview

    Quality Code book, authored by Stephen Vance, covers the different aspects of software development lifecycle with focus on delivering quality product. In the book, Stephen discusses the practices for supporting software craftsmanship testing. InfoQ spoke with the author about the book and the best practices for testing application code.

  • No More Technical Debt - Invest in Quality

    Handling Technical Debt in a software system is a complex challenge. Code can always be improved – but customers only care about features. This article discusses the new metaphor “Quality Investments”. It helps to better communicate the quality of the system and guide improvements by focusing on their pay off and return of investment.

  • Intelligent Evolution: Making Change Work

    Some 80% of all improvement and change programmes fail: they did not achieve the expected results, the investment in the change programme was greater than the value achieved, “improvements” were seen as mostly bureaucratic, or changes were abandoned soon after the implementation. Intelligent Evolution ensures long-term business success rather than short-term satisfaction of a standard or theory.

  • Meet Elaine: A Persona- Driven Approach to Exploring Architecturally Significant Requirements

    Often, requirements elicited from stakeholders describe a system’s functionality but fail to address qualities such as performance, reliability, & availability. Documenting these requirements is often overlooked because there are implicit assumptions that the system will perform to expected levels. This article describes a process developed on the idea of persona sketches to address this problem.

  • Applying Lean Thinking to Software Development

    Lean’s major concept is about reducing waste, meaning anything in your production cycle that is not adding value to the customer is considered waste and should therefore be removed from the process. Steven Peeters explains how you can apply Lean principles in an IT environment.

  • Interview with Capers Jones on Measuring for Agile Adoption

    Why would you want to use measurements if you are adopting agile? Because top executives would like to know how projects will turn out before spending money on them, and measuring results helps to improve future predictions. Capers Jones shows how you can measure productivity and quality, and looks at agile practices that have proved to be beneficial for teams.

  • Interview and Book Review: Enterprise Software Delivery

    "Enterprise Software Delivery" is the latest book by Alan W. Brown, and is a must-read guide for anybody concerned with the development and delivery of software in a large organisation.

  • Tradeoffs: Giving up Certainty

    While organizations operate under an illusion of certainty, tradeoffs are inevitable. Giving up certainty does not mean giving up predictability. This article examines four flow choices for software delivery and presents three choices for IT Delivery: Throughput, Flexibility and all out speed.

  • Automated Error Reporting: The Gateway to Better Quality

    Ignorance might be bliss, but it goes straight to the bottom line when it comes to software bugs. Those who can ferret out bugs and improve the quality of their software will be rewarded with greater customer trust, higher renewal rates, lower maintenance costs, and fewer opportunities for the competition. Laila Lotfi explains how automated error reporting aids in this endeavor.

  • Using Kanban to Turn Around Distressed Projects

    This case study describes how Kanban and lean development techniques were used to rescue a distressed project that had violated its budget, schedule, and quality constraints. The article presents a detailed account of how the techniques were introduced mid-project to establish control over a chaotic project environment, and is supported with several charts that show the team’s progress.

  • My Experience as a QA in Scrum

    The QA role in Scrum is much more than just writing test cases and reporting bugs. In this article, Priyanka Hasija shares her experiences and the valuable lessons learned over the past 2 years while serving as a QA analyst on a Scrum team. She explains how QAs not only perform agile tests but also fill many other roles and responsibilities, earning them a place of importance on the team.

  • The Developer-Tester Divide

    The evolution of the software industry has created two separate roles: The developer and the tester. Traditional software development put these two at odds. Now, agile practices are bringing them together again in order to meet the original business goal: working software.