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  • Java FX Technology Preview

    JavaFX represents a significant shift in the way Sun engages with the Java product market. Rather than focusing solely on the underlying technology, Sun is looking to provide a complete solution for an individual market. With the 1.0 release imminent InfoQ takes a look at the platform and talks to Sun Staff Engineer Joshua Marinacci about the upcoming release.

  • Writing JEE applications with Grails and Flex

    Grails and Flex both have significant advantages in different parts of the software stack. In this new article you will learn how they can be combined to take advantage of each's strengths. Topics covered include component communication, data transfer, and JMS integration.

  • Flex for XML and JSON

    Platforms need interoperability. In this article Flex interoperability with JSON and XML is explored. The article including mapping of XML to chart and grid components using the E4X library. It also demonstrates using the as3core library to decode JSON messages.

  • Interview and Book Excerpt: Pro Web 2.0 Application Development with GWT

    Jeff Dwyer discusses his new book, GWT 1.5, and creating searchable Ajax applications.

  • Developing Portlets using JSF, Ajax, and Seam (Part 3 of 3)

    This article, the last in a three-part series, expands upon the previous articles by introducing Seam. It covers integrating Seam into the previous sample application, deploying a Seam portlet, Bridgelets, Single-sign on between Seam and JBoss Portal, and several new features and capabilities of JBoss Portlet Bridge.

  • ActionScript 3 for Java Programmers

    Often the hardest part of changing technologies is language syntax differences. This new article provides Java developers with a transition guide to Actionscript which forms the foundation of Adobe Flex and Air. Common constructs are covered such as interfaces, constants, operators, regular expressions and XML.

  • Developing Portlets using JSF, Ajax, and Seam (Part 2 of 3)

    This article, the second in a three-part series, expands upon the previous article by introducing RichFaces. It covers integrating RichFaces into the previous sample application, deploying a RichFaces portlet, and several features and capabilities of RichFaces.

  • Silverlight and Java Interoperability

    Robert Bell, Microsoft, introduces interoperability scenarios for using Silverlight from Java and provides architectural guidance using sample code snippets.

  • Introducing Multithreaded Programming to JavaScript

    While increasingly more websites are fully or partially based on AJAX, it is still difficult to develop complicated AJAX applications. What is the main issue which causes this difficulty in developing AJAX applications? Is it asynchronous communication with the server, or is it GUI programming? How can a multithreading JavaScript library help to ease some of these issues?

  • Rationalizing the Presentation Tier

    Thin client paradigm characterized by web applications is a kludge that needs to be repudiated. Old compromises are no longer needed and it's time to move the presentation tier to where it belongs. In this article, Ganesh Prasad and Peter Svensson explains how and why.

  • InfoQ Case Study: NASDAQ Market Replay

    In this case study InfoQ reviews the usage of Adobe AIR and Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) in the NASDAQ Market Replay application. NASDAQ Market Replay provides a NASDAQ-validated replay and analysis of the activity in the stock market. The combination of S3 and AIR offers a powerful deployment model with little internal infrastructure required.

  • Building Web and Desktop Applications with BlazeDS and AMF

    Client/server communication is a key part of today's RIA architectures. In this article James Ward and Shashank Tiwari dive into Adobe's open source BlazeDS messaging server. The article describes the benefits of the AMF data format and how to use BlazeDS with a Java based server side application.