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SAP's OSGi-Based Java PaaS Achieves Java Enterprise Edition 6 Web Profile Compatibility
SAP AG announced on the 16th December that its NetWeaver Cloud product, a Java-based platform-as-a-service, has achieved Java EE 6 Web Profile Compatibility. NetWeaver Cloud runs on top of OSGi using Eclipse Virgo as the OSGi container. The product includes an Eclipse-based SDK for building, testing, and deploying applications in the cloud.
Can SAP HANA boost Real-time Data Analytics?
In a recent press news from 13th December, SAP announced at the SAP Influencer Summit in Boston that “leading software vendors are adopting the open SAP HANA platform for their existing products and building completely new applications.” Among them are companies such as T-Mobile and TIBCO.
SAP's Cloud Strategy Evolves With In-Memory Computing Appliance
SAP announced multiple cloud offerings at SAP Sapphire 2011 around High-Performance Analytic Appliance(HANA) which has occupied front stage in SAP's innovation and strategy over the past year. In this news item we cover basic questions around HANA's architecture, performance and future roadmap.
SAP announces StreamWork as Solution for Collaborative Decision-Making
SAP has recently introduced StreamWork as a cloud-based solution for collaborative decision-making. According to the German ERP company its product brings together the people, information, and proven business approaches to drive fast, meaningful results.
Ruby On... SAP: One More Step In The Enterprise With A New Ruby VM
SAP, the market share leader in CRM & ERP and second largest business software company is adopting Ruby as part of their SAP NetWeaver and SAP ERP 6.0 solution. ABAP Virtual Machine will be able to run Ruby Code through the Blue Ruby extension. With recent debates on Ruby VMs, we talked with Juergen Schmerder from SAP and Charles Nutter from Sun (JRuby).
I.T. SOA vs Business SOA?
In a recent blog post Jeff Schneider talks about I.T. SOA and Business SOA, terms that he hears from the likes of IBM and SAP, who now assume that I.T. SOA is in well ensconced with their customers. Jeff believes that this is a good move and industry should concentrate on making a success of Business SOA if users are to really see success from adopting SOA.
IBM and SAP Open Source their JVM Diagnostics Tools
IBM recently announced their Java diagnostic tool suite that includes the products Dump Analyzer For Java, Extensible Verbose Toolkit (EVTK) for Garbage Collection (GC), and Java Lock Analyzer (JLA) tools. SAP also made an announcement last month about their heap analyzer tool called SAP Memory Analyzer and the tool's integration with Eclipse IDE.
Using SAP4Rails to Quickly Develop for SAP
Dan Mcweeny presented a case study at JavaOne on using Ruby On Rails and SAP4Rails (an open source SAP integration library). His group was able to create a specialized web 2.0 front end in 2 weeks without prior knowledge of Ruby or Rails.