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InfoQ Homepage Scrum Content on InfoQ

  • Deploying Scrum and SAFe at Philips Lighting

    InfoQ interviewed Frank Penning, PMO manager from Philips Lighting, about the main challenges that Philips Lighting is facing in product development, why Scrum is not enough, how they apply SAFe, and the benefits that they have gained from deploying agile methods for product development.

  • Scrum Masters with the Imposter Syndrome

    Geoff Watts, talks about the Imposter Syndrome of Scrum Masters. Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments.

  • Delivering Business Value

    Calculating the business value of features is way beyond just a few numbers.

  • How to Facilitate an Agile Retrospective Using "Rory Story Cubes"

    How to use Rory Story Cubes for sprint retrospective.

  • Adoption of SAFe at TomTom

    InfoQ interviewed Hans Aerts, vice president software development and agile coach at TomTom, about why they decided to adopt SAFe and how it was introduced and used to simplify the organizational structure and stop doing projects, why they focus on throughput rather than output, how they modified SAFe for Custom Systems, and what using SAFe has brought TomTom.

  • Agile, DevOps and Eating Your Own Dogfood

    An interview with Yaniv Yehuda, Co-Founder and CTO of DBmaestro, about how they are doing agile development and using DevOps, how they implemented continuous delivery, on agile practices that turned out to be difficult to implement, and the benefits that they are getting for using agile and DevOps practices.

  • Q&A with Gil Zilberfeld on Agile Product Planning and Management

    InfoQ did an interview with Gil Zilberfeld about better ways to do product planning and tracking, his thoughts about #noestimates, including value in product planning discussions, and how to improve decision making in product development.

  • Chuck Cobb on the Role of an Agile PMO

    InfoQ did an interview with Charles about the role of the PMO in an agile organization.

  • How BDD Has Helped to Address Communication Problems and Improve Collaboration

    Behavior driven development (BDD) can be used to improve communication between testers, developers and the business. For example you can use given-when-then scenarios to develop test scripts and at the same time define the requirements of the system. BDD involves all team members and helps them to think about the product.

  • Implementing Agile in Data Warehouse Projects

    This post talks about using an agile implementation for data warehouse projects.

  • What is Blocking Adoption of Servant Leadership

    Although the world has changed we still worship ideas from ancient management heroes says Tomasz Wykowski. Our behavior changes quite slowly. To get servant leadership adopted in organizations you need to start from yourself and be an example. Give trust to people and respect them, and invite them to change.

  • The Need for a Product Champion

    Ron Jeffries recently posted about the need for a Product Champion, someone who knows the customer marketplace, who can be accountable for maximizing success. He discusses how in many Scrum, XP and "Agile" teams the Product Owner is not adequate for the task and that by taking the perspective of a Product Champion they can deliver great outcomes.

  • Missing Test Competencies in Agile

    Fran O'Hara's lessons learned integrating testing in agile teams, in particular ensuring required test competencies are in place. Full test integration in an agile team is not as simple as mixing a couple of testers in the team, instead multiple working practices and skills are needed for delivering quality applications in an agile world.

  • How a Scrum Master Helped a Team to Increase Their Agility

    Here's an experience story from a tester who decided to move onward and become a Scrum master to help her team to become more agile, with learnings from their agile journey and pieces of advice for doing change in organizations.

  • Managing Dependencies Between Product Backlog Items

    This post talks about the strategies to manage dependencies between product backlog items.