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Entity Services Increase Complexity: Tareq Abedrabbo Discusses Microservices Antipatterns
Entity services are a microservices anti-pattern, writes Tareq Abedrabbo, independent software consultant. The core reason for this is that they form shallow modules, where the interface is complex in relation to the functionality it provides.
Dependency Principles for SOA
Earlier this year Ganesh Prasad discussed the concept of thinking of SOA as "Dependency-Oriented Thinking". Based upon further interactions and involvement with real-world use cases, Ganesh has come up with a dozen principles which he believes can help successful SOA.
NServiceBus 4.0 with support for RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ
Version 4.0 of NServiceBus, a service bus for .NET, has just been released with support for RabbitMQ and ActiveMQ in addition to MSMQ. Support for using database tables as queues has also been added, and performance for the MSMQ transport has been significantly improved. According to Udi Dahan, the founder of NServiceBus, this is the biggest release ever.
Are GET And POST Enough To Create RESTful Services?
Mike Amundsen asks, in an post that examines alternatives to how one might develop RESTful services in environments constrained to a choice of using just GET and POST.
Should We Define SOA Non-Principles?
In addition to well established principles and anti-principles, Steve Jones’ new post introduces the notion of non-principles of an SOA implementation and explains why they are important.
SOA Grammar – Are Services Verbs or Nouns?
In his new post, Jason Bloomberg introduces two types of services – Entities and Tasks, and explains the role each type of services plays in building SOA systems.
Bringing SOA and BPM Closer Together
With SOA and BPM still being most popular buzzwords in IT today, a question of their relationships is still debated between practitioners. The Process Isomorphism pattern, proposed by Jason Bloomberg, makes an attempt to bring them closer together.
How Does SOA Relate to Cloud Computing?
A recent session, part of ebizQ's Cloud QCamp, discussed the current state and relationship between cloud computing and SOA. The consensus of the panelists was that the cloud is helping to boost the advantages promised by service orientation to a firmer business footing.
Is CRUD Bad for REST?
In his new post, Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz explains that REST is more than just a set of standards and APIs, and it requires following REST architectural principles for reaping its complete benefits.
Is Service Reuse Over Used?
Is service reuse a valid metric for determining the success of SOA? Richard Watson from Burton believes that we are too fixated on reuse and could lose sight of the real benefit: service use.
The Open Group SOA Source Book
Last month the Open Group made available their SOA Source Book. They describe it as “a collection of source material produced by the SOA Working Group for use by enterprise architects working with Service-Oriented Architecture”
Interview: Ian Robinson discusses REST, WS-* and Implementing an SOA
In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2008, Ian Robinson discusses REST vs. WS-*, REST contracts, WADL, how to approach company-wide SOA initiatives, how an SOA changes a company, SOA and Agile, tool support for REST, reuse and foreseeing client needs, versioning and the future of REST-based services in enterprise SOA development.
Overcoming Obstacles in Implementing SOA
In his new article, Jonathan Mack provides a first-hand insight on meeting SOA challenges from business, technology and organizational points of view. He defines key components of successful SOA, major implementation obstacles, and the ways to overcome them.
Martin Fowler: Can SOA Be Done With an Agile Approach?
Agile development challenges many of the common software development assumptions. One of the most significant is the evolutionary approach to software design. Another is up-front design which is promoted by top-down SOA. In his latest article, Martin Fowler examines whether the two can coexist.
Is There a Symbiosis Between SOA and DDD?
As the complexity of the real-life problems grows, it becomes obvious that in order to solve them, it is often necessary to combine multiple techniques. One example of a good symbiotic relationship is that between Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Domain Driven Design (DDD).