InfoQ Homepage Simulation Content on InfoQ
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From Robot Simulation to the Real World
Louise Poubel overviews Gazebo's architecture with examples of projects using Gazebo, describing how to bridge virtual robots to their physical counterparts.
return getKanban();
David Grant discusses the optimal strategy for the getKanban board game, a study into the effect of different policies on the simulation, and the role luck can have when using it as a teaching aid.
Predictive Datacenter Analytics with Strymon
Vasia Kalavri shares her research group’s ongoing work on Strymon: a system for predicting datacenter behavior in hypothetical scenarios using queryable online simulation.
Forecasting Using Data - Quickly Answering How Big, How Long and How Likely
Troy Magennis explains in this workshop how to capture data and use it for reliable project forecasting using a practical and simple approach to forecasting without item effort estimation.
Building a Modern Security Engineering Team
Zane Lackey discusses adapting security to change, building security programs, lessons learned from bug bounty programs, running attack simulations and knowing when security has been breached.
#noestimates Project Planning Using Monte Carlo Simulation
Dimitar Bakardzhiev discusses planning a fixed bid project by applying the Monte Carlo simulation using collected historical data about lead time per story.
Python: Why Are the Big Dealers Making Big Bets?
The authors demonstrate the design and use of an environment for quantitative researchers building a market risk simulation first as a basic system and then adding a hypothetical systemic shock.
Quantifying Risk for Innovative Teams
Sam McAfee focuses on quantitative risk modeling approaches exploring how to bring scientific rigor back into the Lean Startup process with Monte Carlo simulations and Cost of Delay scenarios.