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InfoQ Homepage SOA Content on InfoQ

  • Overview on Workflow Foundation

    Workflow Foundation is a new workflow engine from Microsoft. Microsoft is embedding Worfklow Foundation in many of its products like Office 2007, Windows Vista and soon Biztalk itself. Matt Winkler, Microsoft Technical Evangelist, walks through the story of Workflow Foundation, when to use it and the futures planned in the next version.

    Overview on Workflow Foundation
  • Anne Thomas Manes on SOA, Governance and REST

    In this interview, recorded at QCon London, Anne Thomas Manes, research director at Burton Group, talks to Stefan Tilkov about the state of SOA, explains different ways of getting funding for SOA initiatives, the value of SOA governance and governance tools. Another topic covered is the applicability of REST to SOA, the need for a RESTful description language, and REST support in SOAP toolkits.

    Anne Thomas Manes on SOA, Governance and REST
  • Sandy Carter on SOA Adoption

    Sandy Carter, author of "SOA and Web 2.0", talks about SOA at the business level: how to think about SOA, SOA vs. BPM, how to sell SOA to management, why SOA will be more long lived than EAI, and IBM's view that SOA adoption is now in the early majority phase.

    Sandy Carter on SOA Adoption
  • Spring Web Flow with Keith Donald

    Keith Donald goes in depth on Spring Web Flow, which solves the problem of orchestrating control navigations within a web application in Spring MVC, Struts, and JSF. Keith talks about how to design workflows in web apps and technical details such as how the flows are fault tolerant and how they integrate into web frameworks.

    Spring Web Flow with Keith Donald
  • Windows Workflow with Scott Allan

    Scott Allan is interviewed by David Totzke on Windows Workflow Foundation, recorded a year ago at VSLive Toronto. Scott talks about the capabilities of Windows Workflow foundation, how it integrates into application development, how Microsoft is using WWF in its own products, DSLs and WWF, and architectural pattterns possible with WWF.

    Windows Workflow with Scott Allan
  • Ross Mason on Mule and the role of ESBs

    Mule founder Ross Mason talks about the the role of the ESB, when to use and not to use ESBs, BPEL, and ESBs vs. integration brokers. Mule is an open source ESB and Ross discusses how people are using Mule and how it compares to commercial alternatives. Ross reveals that Mule got its name because it takes the donkey work out of integration projects.

    Ross Mason on Mule and the role of ESBs
  • Mohammad Akif - SOA Beyond the Hype and the Security Development Life Cycle

    InfoQ sits down Mohammad to discuss the myths of SOA, common pitfalls in designing for SOA, J2EE and .NET interoperability and injecting the Security Development Lifecycle into enterprise development lifecycles.

    Mohammad Akif - SOA Beyond the Hype and the Security Development Life Cycle
  • Stefan Tilkov on SOA

    In this interview Stefan Tilkov, innoQ SOA consultant and InfoQ SOA Community editor, talks about his views about SOA. Topics covered include the definition and role of SOA in general, different styles of implementing it, its applications in the real world, and the role of ESBs.

    Stefan Tilkov on SOA
  • Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More

    InfoQ Ruby editor Obie Fernandez interviews Tim Bray, one of the inventors of XML and current Director of Web Technologies for Sun Microsystems. We cover varied topics such as his opinions about Ruby and Rails, the impact of dynamic languages on web development, static versus dynamic typing, Sun's support of the JRuby project, Atom, and WS-* versus REST approaches to systems integration.

    Tim Bray on Rails, REST, XML, Java, and More
  • John Crupi on Enterprise SOA

    At the time of this recording John Crupi ran Sun's Enterprise Web Services Practice. John shares his insights on what SOA means to the Enterprise, SOA analysis and design vs. OO, effective service composition, governance, and more.

    John Crupi on Enterprise SOA