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Escape the Feature Factory with Outcome-oriented Roadmaps
Lisa Doan, Jeanette Head, Hadrien Raffalli discuss the conflict between production teams who prefer an agile process and stakeholders who want cleat schedules and outcome.
Putting the ‘V’ Back in MVP
Ralf Jeffery explains the different types of MVP execution, why stakeholders struggle to support MVPs and how to deal with this issue, and how successful teams practice MVP design and execution.
The Journey from Business Person to Product Owner
Pete Cohen and Chris Bignoux discuss how a new product owner should tackle Agile projects, exploring techniques for informing stakeholders and facilitating decision-making.
Build the Right Thing - De-risk Your Products with Experiments
Andrea Darabos discusses how to lower the startup risk with Minimum Viable Experiments which help product managers and investors build with more confidence and avoid costly mistakes.
Demand-Driven Architecture
Kovas Boguta, David Nolen discuss embracing demand-driven architectures to be able to more flexibly accommodate the rapidly transforming needs of the clients.
Agile Value Delivery
Tom Gilb keynotes on 10 key Agile principles: Control projects by quantified critical-few results, Give developers freedom, Estimate the impacts of your designs, Involve the stakeholders, etc.
Business Engagement with Agile
Stephen Grafton shares from his experience working with distributed teams in a large organization, bringing together business and agile practices.
How to Recognize the Zombie Persona Apocalypse
Michael Rawling explains how user personas can help having productive conversations with stakeholders and how to integrate them into an Agile process.
Collaborative User Research - Ways to Involve Stakeholders in User Research
Revathi Nathaniel explains the benefits of collaboration during the various stages of conducting user research (from conception to data analysis) and simple methods to involve stakeholders.
Workshops: The UX Designers' Trojan Horse
Viviana Doctorovich explains how to use workshops to teach clients the design process using planning, design games and methods for dealing with difficult stakeholders.
Agility is the Tool, Not the Master
Tom Gilb keynotes on agility, outlining 10 principles and his own values for Agile value delivery.