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Descaling for Delivery and Using AI to Enhance Software Development: Learnings from QCon New York
The track Optimizing Teams for Fast Flow - Surviving in the Post-agile Aftermath at QCon New York 2023 comprised two talks in the morning that went into replacing an agile process with engineering and conversational software delivery using AI.
Applying Test-Driven Development in the Cloud
In the cloud, application development can be treated end-to-end with its accompanying infrastructure. This makes it possible to use test-driven development (TDD) and refactoring on the full application, which can bring down maintenance costs.
WebdriverIO 7 Rewritten in Typescript, Released with Improved Lighthouse Integration
The browser and mobile automation test framework WebdriverIO recently released a major update. Webdriver IO 7 is now written with TypeScript. TypeScript users may thus need to update their types, while JavaScript users should be largely unaffected. The new version also drops support for Node v10, upgrades the used Cucumber version to v7, and integrates better with Google Lighthouse.
Underplayed Premises of TDD: Q&A with GeePaw Hill
TDD is more than a technique; it’s a whole style of programming, an integrated system of related behaviors and ideas. The five premises of TDD provide a ring in which we operate, they are the air that a TDD’er breathes.
Test Driven Containerized Build Pipelines in ConcourseCI
A Lead Developer at Thoughtworks shared his team’s experience in rewriting the build pipeline for one of their clients. They migrated from Jenkins to ConcourseCI, with a focus on configuration-as-code, pipeline-driven delivery, container support and visibility into the system.
Ron Jeffries Says Developers Should Abandon "Agile"
Ron Jeffries, author, speaker, one of the creators of Extreme Programming (XP) and a signatory of the Agile Manifesto back in 2001, shared a post on his blog in which he advocates that developers should abandon “Agile”, meaning they should stay away from the “Faux Agile” or “Dark Agile” forms and get closer to the values and principles of the Manifesto.
BDD Tool Cucumber is 10 Years Old: Q&A with its Founder Aslak Hellesøy
Cucumber was created as a way to overcome ambiguous requirements and misunderstandings, but if you think Cucumber is a testing tool you are wrong, Aslak Hellesøy, who created Cucumber in 2008, stated a few years ago. In an interview with InfoQ he described his experiences using Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) and Cucumber, and what he thinks about the future for a tool that’s now 10 years old.
How Technical Practices Support Evolutionary Architecture and Continuous Delivery
Technical practices of XP such as TDD, Refactoring, CI and Pair Programming support emergent design and enable evolving your architecture. The first practice you need for continuous delivery is CI, committing to mainline every day. Being able to write clean, well-factored, and well-tested modular code is the most important skill for developers.
Bob Martin: Test Contra-Variance
Bob Martin, co-author of the Agile Manifesto, has published a blog outlining the pitfalls of writing tests and code which have a co-variant structure. In essence, he emphasizes that the structure of tests should be designed in a contra-variant way, decoupling them from production code and leading to a less fragile and easier to refactor codebase.
QCon New York Day 2 – Developer Experience Track Summary
Day 2 of QCon New York had a Developer Experience track which looked at ways to simplify the development process and provide ideas around removing friction, reducing the time from code to production and becoming more efficient in developer practices.
Does TDD Harm Architecture?
Bob Martin, also known as Uncle Bob and co-author of the Agile Manifesto, has recently published an evaluation on whether TDD harms architecture. Most of the discussion centres around whether following a test driven approach has a negative impact on both the high level design and general maintainability of implementation code.
Writing Good Unit Tests
Try to keep units small, use appropriate tools, and pair-up programmers and tester; these are suggestions for writing good unit tests. Unit testing is a mixture of programming and testing; programmers can work together with testers to learn from each other and broaden their knowledge horizons.
Tutorials at Better Software East / DevOps East / Agile Dev East 2016
Between the 14th and 18th November, the three conferences Better Software East, DevOps East and Agile Dev East are taking place simultaneously in the same venue in Orlando, Florida. The conferences are organised around two days of tutorials, two days of talks, and a closing Agile Summit day with keynotes by several international speakers. InfoQ attended the conference to report on its contents.
Behaviour-Driven Development Anti-Patterns
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) can help in improving how business stakeholders and software developers communicate with each other, but there are some common anti-patterns when using Cucumber to run the automated tests, which Aslak Hellesøy, Matt Wynne and Steve Tooke described in a recent discussion.
Experiences with Behaviour-Driven Development
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) recognizes that software development is fundamental to businesses of today and helps to improve how business stakeholders and software developers communicate with each other, Kevin Smith claims in a recent blog post about his experiences working with BDD.