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Steve Freeman on What's Wrong with Most TDD Implementations and Building on SOLID Foundations
At the Agile Singapore conference last year Steve Freeman spoke about the way TDD has been misinterpreted and frequently misapplied in many adoptions and how the SOLID architectural principles are still important, perhaps more important now than in the past.
Why BDD Can Save Agile
Matt Wynne, founder at Cucumber Ltd spoke at QCon London 2015 on how BDD can leverage the benefits of Agile on teams struggling with common patterns like lack of predictability, communication and quality.
Behaviour-Driven Development Combined with Domain-Driven Design
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is very much about conversations and examples but there is a software design part that can be used to bring BDD and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) practices together, combining the conversional bits with a domain-focused design activity, Konstantin Kudryashov explains in a presentation.
Introducing Behaviour-Driven Development
Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) can help in overcoming the gap between the developer’s understanding of what needs to be built and the business’ understanding of the technical challenges caused by the requirements. The reason is improvement in communication between the two groups, Alistair Stead and Konstantin Kudryashov explains in their Beginner’s guide to BDD.
Embedding Security Testing in Development Workflow
Stephen de Vries, ContinuumSecurity founder, promoted the idea of continuous and visible security at Velocity Europe 2014. Stephen argued that the same kind of processes and tools that embedded QA in the whole workflow of an agile development process can be applied to security. BDD-Security is a security testing framework that follows the Given-When-Then approach and is built on top of JBehave.
Examining the 'TDD is Dead' Controversy
Since DHH's opening keynote at Railsconf 2014 in which he questioned the use and value of TDD, and his subsequent post titled "TDD is Dead, Long Live Testing" have generated a lot of reaction and controversy. Much of the reaction has been focused on how TDD is, or should be, applied and used.
Behaviour Driven Development Is About Conversation Not Tooling
The single most important of Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) is the conversation, not the tooling, Liz Koegh states in a presentation about 10 years of doing BDD at the recent Cucumber conference. Liz believes we have made some big mistakes during these years of practicing BDD, but she is quite excited about some of the developments over the last few years.
Cucumber.js for BDD in JavaScript: An Interview with Julien Biezemans
Julien Biezemans is a Cucumber core team member and the author of Cucumber.js. Cucumber.js is a native JavaScript implementation of Cucumber, and is a strict port that can run on any JavaScript environment. Running on Node.js as well as within any browsers, Cucumber.js is virtually serviceable against everything producing JavaScript and HTML (Node.js, Ruby on Rails, PHP, .NET, etc)
New Gem Creates Test Boilerplate for Chef Cookbooks
Meez is a new gem that will help get started with test-driven infrastructure for Chef cookbooks. It creates all the boilerplate necessary to assess a cookbook’s quality using tools such as Test Kitchen, Foodcritic, ChefSpec and others, allowing the user to focus on writing actual tests and infrastructure code.
BDD and JavaScript Using CucumberJS
Adding CucumberJS to the TDD workflow for JavaScript-based projects embraces the ideas of Behaviour Driven Development, BDD, and allows a developer to follow the TDD principles while developing from the outside in; running automated tests that fail until code that supports a feature is implemented, Todd Anderson reveals in a recent blog post.
Martin Fowler Presented Workflows of Refactoring
Martin Fowler published an article on his website describing the different workflows that could be used when refactoring and explaining the reasons for combining them.
Behaviour-Driven Development: Value through Collaboration
The goal of a software project is to deliver value to stakeholders and Behaviour-Driven Development, (BDD), is designed for that, Viktor Farcic, a software developer working on transitions from waterfall to agile processes, states in the first of four blog posts describing his view on BDD.
Behaviour-Driven Development Tool Jasmine 2.0 Released
The recently released version 2.0 of Jasmine, a Behaviour-Driven Development, BDD, testing framework for JavaScript, comes with improved support for Node.js, major work on increasing the internal quality and some backwards compatibility breaking changes.
AnyPresence Soups up Enterprise MBaaS Platform- Part 1 of 2
Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence continues to hone their chops. Launching the fifth update to their self-titled platform geared for the enterprise. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides some insights for InfoQ readers…
Behaviour Driven Development Tool Cucumber Questioned
The Behaviour Driven Development, BDD, tool Cucumber is popular in Ruby’s TDD community. It offers a way to write tests that anybody can understand, but is any of the benefits of Cucumber really that beneficial, Kevin Liddle asks in a case against Cucumber. Jon Frisby and Matt Polito has each written a response somewhat arguing against Kevin’s ideas, both seeing benefits in using Cucumber.