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InfoQ Homepage TDD Content on InfoQ

  • Uncle Bob On The Applicability Of TDD

    Following up a pot-stirring blog where he asserted that "anyone who continues to think that TDD slows you down is living in the stone age", Bob Martin takes a stab at providing some deeper insight into the real applicability, role, and benefit of TDD.

  • Introducing Coulda - Evolutionary Behavior Driven Development with Ruby

    It is often the case, a new piece of software is developed by someone who needed to fill a void left by an existing product. Software evolves from tools we use which don't exactly meet our needs, this is the case with a new Behavior Driven Development (BDD) tool called Coulda, developed by Evan Light.

  • PairWithUs: On-Demand Agile Software Development Video Examples

    One thing well known by most programmers is that the best (only?) way to learn programming technique is by example; specifically, watching someone else doing it. Antony Marcano & Andy Palmer's 'PairWithUs' gives people a great place to do just that.

  • Mocking for Java and Flex

    There are plenty of choices for creating mock objects in Java but Flex has seen little development in this area, until recently. The popular and maturing Mockito framework now has a Flex counterpart, which aims to bring mocking to Flex.

  • Agile In a Flash

    Many people playfully credit the 3x5 index card as the "agilist's badge". In many ways though this is not an inaccurate or inappropriate; going through a stack of index cards is a often real hallmark of many agile activities. But what about using index cards to learn and remember agile? With their 'Agile In a Flash' project, Tim Ottinger and Jeff Langr want to help people do just that.

  • Kent Beck Suggests Skipping Testing for Very Short Term Projects

    Kent Beck suggests that on very short term projects, when you're trying to figure out if there is a viable concept, you might do less (even no) automated testing to help get off the ground quickly. This goes against all of the conventional wisdom surrounding TDD.

  • How TDD and Pairing Increase Production

    "Test-driven Development" and "Pair Programming" are two of the most widely known of agile practices, yet are still largely not being practiced by many agile teams. Often, people will cite being "too busy" to adopt such practices as TDD and pairing; in essence, implying that striving for high code quality will reduce productivity. Mike Hill explains how this logic is seriously flawed.

  • Presentation: Testing Your Presentation Layer

    Yehuda Katz shows how to test a web app's UI using technologies such as Johnson (Ruby to Javascript bridge), jspec (BDD for Javascript), Webrat and others.

  • Recommended TDD Tutorials

    Recently, Dave Nicolette consolidated a list of recommended TDD tutorials from a discussion on the Extreme Programming group. Here is a sneak peak at the consolidated list with categorization for quickly getting started with Test Driven Development.

  • NUnit 2.5 had been Released

    After nearly a year's work, NUnit 2.5 has finally released. This release includes: Data-Driven Tests, Inline Expected Exception Tests, Generic and Lambda support, Out of process execution of tests and Source Code Display.

  • Rails BDD with Macros, I18n,... with Remarkable

    There are many ways to develop, test and integrate your Rails application: from TDD with the basic Test:Unit or ZenTest, to BDD with RSpec, Shoulda or Cucumber. Remarkable tries to unify the syntax and adds some more flavors to make your Rails BDD painless.

  • Presentation: 10 Ways to Improve Your Code

    In this presentation recorded during QCon SF 2008, Neal Ford, an architect at ThoughtWorks, shows 10 ways to write better code. This is practical advice for developers, but application architects can benefit from it too.

  • J.B. Rainsberger: "Integration Tests Are A Scam"

    Well-known agilist and TDD expert J.B. Rainsberger has begun a series of posts to explain why his experience has led him to the thought-provoking conclusion that "integration tests are a scam".

  • Presentation: The Ethics of Error Prevention

    No one wants programming errors. We have many tools to detect and correct errors in code. We also have a number of techniques we can use to prevent the introduction of errors. In this presentation, Michael Feathers t looksat error prevention while posing a number of interesting questions.

  • Moq 3.0 Released

    Version 3.0 RTM of the popular Moq .NET mocking library is now available. Moq 3.0 includes Silverlight support, improved event and property mocking, Pex integration, and improved samples.