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InfoQ Homepage Team Collaboration Content on InfoQ

  • Cultivating a Learning Organisation

    This article explores how creating an internal culture of experimentation and learning enabled a company to keep pace with the rapid iterations in tech that have become the regular way we do business. It shows that psychological safety is a key component of the learning organisation; employees need to be able to experiment and learn from any outcome - without fear that failure will be punished.

  • Crafting a Resilient Culture: Or, How to Survive an Accidental Mid-Day Production Incident

    While working at Etsy, Ryn Daniels accidentally upgraded Apache on every single server that was running it, which caused a production incident. Explore lessons learned in this article, including that although automation and orchestration can be great, you should make sure you understand what’s happening under the hood and what to do if your automation goes awry.

  • Successful Teams: How Leaders Build Their Tech Companies

    The first rule of success when starting a company is having a great team. This could be achieved by assuring both great leadership and a great hiring process. This could happen through following best recruitment practices, looking for employees with a can-do attitude, creating a unique company story, establishing a meaningful culture and enhancing a CEO’s skills.

  • The New Killer Apps: Teamwork and Weak Signal Detection Lessons from the Military

    There are a lot of great teamwork and weak signal detection lessons from the military that can help forward-leaning leaders create the organizational agility and safety they need to survive and thrive on their own terms in this VUCA world. This article explores how teamwork and weak signal detection lessons from the military are becoming “The New Killer Apps.”

  • Q&A on the Book Emotional Science

    The book Emotional Science by Michael K Sahota and Audree Tara Sahota provides an understanding of emotions, which, as stated by the authors, goes beyond current models in psychology. The book provides exercises that can be used to become aware of emotions and learn how to deal with them, which is a practical way of increasing your Emotional Intelligence.

  • How to Achieve Collaboration as a Key Driver for Continuous Testing

    Far too often the dream of a successful digital transformation shatters against a limited, team-centric continuous testing strategy. This article describes how testing must be applied to fit not only agile teams but also the whole enterprise, why collaboration is the key enabler and how different testing techniques work together for overall success.

  • Psychological Safety in Training Games

    Games can be safe places where people can learn lessons experientially under controlled circumstances and generate insights that can be applied to their daily work. Sometimes though, games can get too personal and uncomfortable. A facilitator can create safety mechanisms for these games, including making it easy and safe for people to opt-in and opt-out.

  • Q&A with Dan Szuc and Jo Wong on Make Meaningful Work

    Raf Gemmail speaks with UX leaders Dan Szuc and Josephine Wong about Make Meaningful Work, a humanistic framework and set of practices born from applying human-centered design to the workplace. Sitting beneath existing methodologies, it enables teams to share and understand character perspectives, in working towards producing impacts which are meaningful to them.

  • Q&A on the Book "Agile People"

    Pia-Maria Thorén has written a book titled Agile People, in which she challenges the role of Human Resources in organisations, identifies where the current approaches are not working and why they need to change to support modern organisational thinking.

  • The Divisive Effect of Separate Issue Tracking Tools

    Separate issue tracking systems for Development and IT Operations are a source of conflict and ineffectiveness for many organizations. For effective Database Lifecycle Management (DLM), we typically need shared issue tracking systems where DBA teams can see upcoming work from Development and Development teams can see details of live service issues logged from Production.

  • Christine Doig on Data Science as a Team Discipline

    Christine Doig spoke at this year's OSCON Conference about data science as a team discipline and how to navigate the data science Python ecosystem. InfoQ spoke with Christine about challenges data science teams need to address to be more effective.

  • Exercises for Building Better Teams

    Have you ever seen a team perform so great that you wanted to join it? If you examine the values of such a team, you may discover a perfect balance of orientation on people and results. If you are trying to discover how far away your own team is from this state, read this article and try the exercises to find your own state of perfection.