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InfoQ Homepage Team Leader Content on InfoQ

  • QConSF - Creating Awesome Teams

    Alexandre Freire’s QConSF session focused on Modern Agile’s framework and suggested ways to implement them within an organization. He emphasized that the underlying culture must support these practices, or the practices will be forced and not lead to creating awesome teams.

  • On Power and Influence

    At DevOpsDays Amsterdam, Mark Coleman asserted that all organizational's cultural changes start with one person influencing another. He finds that Charles Handy's writings on power and influence help on understanding how an organizations works and how one can go on to change it. Mark discussed Charles Handy's six sources of power and six methods of influence.

  • A Team of Leaders

    A “team of leaders” is a team where everyone is encouraged to take ownership of a project, where the leadership potential is developed in every team member. InfoQ has interviewed Bob Vanourek and Gregg Vanourek, authors of the book Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations in which they explain this concept in detail.

  • How managers as leaders can make your team more successful

    In a series of blog posts Johanna Rothman speaks up against the common view of leader and manager roles. She argues that management without leadership can not be successful.