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InfoQ Homepage Virtualization Content on InfoQ

  • IBM Workload Deployer – Continuing Maturation of Private Cloud Appliances

    IBM Workload Deployer is the next generation of the IBM WebSphere CloudBurst v2.0 appliance further driving the use of patterns, templates and automation to simplify and accelerate the definition and deployment of private cloud solutions.

  • VMware Announces vFabric Cloud Application Platform 5, Simplifies Licensing and Deployment

    VMware has today announced that the next version of its vFabric cloud application platform, which it expects to ship later in the summer, will see a licensing change to a per VM model. The platform gains elastic memory for Java applications running in Spring tc Server, and a new performance monitoring tool for Spring applications running in production, based on Spring Insight.

  • Bloggers React To Open Virtualization Alliance Announcement

    Yesterday’s announcement that a group of company’s led by Red Hat, IBM, HP and others have formed the Open Virtualization Alliance had bloggers talking. The the goal is to foster the adoption of Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM). But speculation ran high after the announcement that some member companies may be attempting to break the stranglehold VMWare and Citrix hold on the market.

  • OpenStack Discusses Cactus, Previews Diablo

    The OpenStack project gathered late last week, and amidst the Amazon EBS debacle, held a Webinar to both elaborate on new features introduced in Cactus and describe anticipated elements of the upcoming Diablo release.

  • Capture the Application, not just the Screenshot with VS Lab Management

    Visual Studio Lab Management 2010 is a highly integrated virtualization, development, and testing tool. When testers encounter an error they can create a snapshot of the virtual environment at that moment: not just a screenshot, but the current state of the application or website and all the servers involved.

  • MED-V 2.0 and App-V 4.6 SP1: Two Microsoft Virtualization Solutions for Enterprises

    MED-V 2.0 is a desktop virtualization solution enabling users to run legacy applications on Windows 7. App-V 4.6 SP1 is a service pack for Application Virtualization, another solution for deploying applications within the enterprise.

  • Trends in Operations for 2011

    According to a Gartner survey the top trends in data centers are Client Computing, Server Platforms and Storage Evolution. Cloud Computing, Virtualization and Mobile are seen as the top three technologies for operations in 2011.

  • Gartner: Magic Quadrant for Cloud IaaS And Web Hosting Providers

    Gartner announced their magic quadrant for Cloud IaaS and web hosting providers

  • Introducing ReplayDIRECTOR - Continuous Application Monitoring and Production Debugging For Java EE

    Replay Solutions, a specialist in continuous application monitoring, software debugging and defect resolution technology, today announced that Larry Lunetta has joined the company as president, CEO and member of the board. We talk to co-founder Jonathan Lindo about the company, its product ReplayDIRECTOR, and the new appointment.

  • VMware's Cloud Application Platform Vision

    Rod Johnson details VMWare's new Cloud Application Platform Vision, vFabric. It is based on all SpringSource assets and VMware's virtualization technology. Now that nearly all major actors of the Cloud are aiming at PaaS, it may be time to ask whether IaaS is "dead"? and whether PaaS will be able get mindshare of most IT organizations?

  • New PHP Licensing Option for Cloud Computing

    Zend recently announced an 'unlimited subscription' licensing option for its PHP products, in support of cloud computing. Virtualization and Cloud Computing challenge traditional concepts of software licensing, e.g. one license per user, one license per server, because of the dynamism and variability of running instances inherent in both concepts. Zend offers one way to solve this problem.

  • SpringSource vFabric cloud application framework platform

    While VMWare offering a new range of products to support its vision of enterprise cloud computing at VMWorld 2010 is interesting from an operations and user perspective, developer focus is on vFabric the Spring platform for developing and running cloud based applications. The goal is to provide the same convenience infrastructure for cloud applications as for spring based enterprise applications.

  • Slowdown in Virtualization

    A 2010 survey suggests that companies have slowed their efforts to virtualize their data centers. The survey was conducted by InformationWeek and is the second in an annual series. The key finding: almost 20% fewer companies expect to have 25-49% of their servers virtualized by 2011 and almost 10% fewer companies expect to virtualize 50-74% of their servers.

  • Designing a Cloud-oriented Enterprise Datacenter

    In his new article Tony Bishop discusses proven design principles for the implementation of a cloud-oriented data center.

  • Does the Cloud Need Server Virtualization?

    Simeon Simeonov wrote an essay on the latest strategy of VMWare in the wake of the SpringSource Acquisition 12 months ago. He contends that if Server Virtualization was a key enabler of Cloud Computing, it's days might be counted as VMware CTO Steve Herrod explains “We are committed to making Spring the best language for cloud applications, even if that cloud is not based on VMware vSphere.”