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  • Safe User-Generated Templates for Ruby and .NET

    Unlike other templating engines that focus on given as much power as possible to the user, Liquid is designed to restrict what the user can do. The goal is to allow end-users to create their own templates without jeopardizing the security of the server. Originally created for Ruby, Liquid is now available for .NET as well.

  • ASP.NET MVC, Dependency Injection, and MEF 2

    For most types of applications dependency injection frameworks don’t make whole lot of sense. It is usually more than sufficient to manually wire up all of the dependencies during startup. But for ASP.NET MVC there are also session and request scoped dependencies. With so many competing lifecycles a DI framework quickly moves from needless distraction to an essential organizational tool.

  • Partial Caching and ASP.NET

    When it comes to performance developers often need to turn to partial page caching. This report looks at the current state of caching in ASP.NET and introduces a new project for MVC 3 called MvcDonutCaching.

  • Scala+GWT Brings Scala to the Browser, New Documentation Site and Scala Days 2012 Announced

    Scala+GWT makes it possible to run Scala in the browser, the latest release supports most of the language. The new Scala+GWT Eclipse plug-in uses GWT's development mode for faster turnaround. Also, the Scala team announced a new documentation website and the date for 2012's Scala Days conference.

  • Yahoo! Cocktails with Mojito JavaScript Framework and Manhattan Cloud

    Yahoo! has recently announced Cocktails, a set of technologies that make it easy to develop and host applications that can run on both client and server-side environments. Cocktails is composed of Yahoo! Mojito, an environment-agnostic JavaScript web application framework, and Yahoo! Manhattan, a hosted platform (PaaS) for Mojito-based applications.

  • Clojure Web Frameworks Round-Up: Enlive & Compojure

    Clojure is rather new member of the LISP family of languages which runs on the Java platform. Introduced in 2007 it has generated a lot of interest. InfoQ had a small Q&A with James Reeves and Christophe Grand, the creators of Enlive and Compojure, about their projects and their experiences working with Clojure.

  • Ruby on Rails 3.1 Released, Brings Assets Pipeline, Streaming, and Javascript Changes

    Exactly one year after the last major released, the Ruby on Rails team released Rails 3.1. The highlights of this release are support for HTTP Streaming, more intelligent migrations and the new assets pipeline that makes it easier to use CoffeeScript and Sass.

  • Fuel PHP: An MVC Framework

    The Model-View-Controller pattern is pretty much dominating professional, customer facing website design these days. While single-file scripts and form builder technologies still have a place, MVC seems to strike the right balance for many developers. The Fuel framework for PHP intends to capitalize on the work done by earlier MVC frameworks such as Ruby on Rails.

  • What is the Future of Flash and Flex?

    Adobe wants to strengthen Flash and Flex’s position in the enterprise and especially in the mobile space. But a recent study shows that jQuery has overtaken Flash as a deployed web solution on the top 17,000 websites.

  • Thymeleaf: XML/HTML Template Engine for Java

    Thymeleaf is an XML/XHTML/HTML5 template engine that works for web and non-web applications. It's an open source Java library distributed under Apache License 2.0. Thymeleaf is a replacement for JSP and other template engines like Velocity and FreeMarker. It comes in two versions, the Standard dialect and the SpringStandard (Spring MVC 3) dialect.

  • ASP.NET MVC 4 Roadmap

    In keeping with their annual cadence, Microsoft has begun work on the next version of ASP.NET MVC. Areas of emphasis include smoothing out the development and deployment workflow, sharing more features with Web Forms, improving AJAX support, and offering a better story for HTML 5 on mobile and tablet devices.

  • Mozilla Proposes to Sign-in Only with the Email Address, No User ID or Password Required

    A new authentication system, dubbed BrowserID, from Mozilla promises to solve the basic authentication needs, but its success highly depends on its adoption.

  • Forms Authentication Extensions

    Normally we bring your large and complex frameworks that, even if you could build on your own, you probably wouldn’t want to. But sometimes a simple little library with just a couple of classes can make all the difference. One such example is a project called FormsAuthenticationExtensions.

  • Evaluating Play for Composing Web APIs

    Yevgeniy Brikman, Principal Software Engineer at linked in, published a summary of his evaluation of the Play framework, a Java Web Framework that supports asynchronous programming patterns with HTTP.

  • jQuery Mobile Beta 1 Supports Many Browsers and Platforms

    jQuery Mobile has reached the Beta 1 milestone with support for all major browsers and mobile OSes. A final release is expected by the end of the summer.