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  • Hypermedia is like Dancing

    To take full advantage of the benefits of hypermedia driven systems, the client must allow the server to take the lead and drive the state of the client, Darrel Miller writes comparing with a couple who can dance, one leads and the other just follows, there is no a choreographed sequence of steps defined beforehand.

  • AtlasCamp 2014 Highlights: New REST APIs and Data Center Offerings

    Development and collaboration software vendor Atlassian held its annual developer conference AtlasCamp in Berlin, focusing on the recently launched Atlassian Connect 1.0, the new REST APIs for Confluence and HipChat as well as the JIRA and Confluence Data Center offerings for high availability and performance at scale.

  • rest: Open Source REST Framework For Haskell

    Silk has recently open-sourced a REST framework for Haskell, called "rest". It provides a DSL for defining REST services which can then be run in popular web frameworks such as happstack. This comes with features such as type-safe URLs, abstraction of format-type support, and a clean separation of API specification and business logic.

  • Drupal Integration with Native iOS and Android Apps

    At latest Drupal Conference in Austin, TX, mobile and web development company Lemberg has introduced a native Drupal 8 software development kit. Lemberg's SDK aims at making it easier for developers to handle the communication between a native mobile app and a Drupal website. The SDK is currently available only for iOS and Android, while the Windows Phone version should be coming soon.

  • 3scale Targets API Consumers with APITools Offering

    3scale launched APITools in the month of April this year targeted at API consumers. InfoQ spoke to 3scale management regarding motivation and underlying technology among other things and walked away with some interesting insights as well as upcoming initiatives to involve the community.

  • The Strengths and Weaknesses of Microservices

    There has been significant buzz around microservices lately, enough to generate some hype. After implementing heavy and cumbersome SOA solutions for more than a decade, are microservices the solution the industry has been waiting for? Or, are microservices simpler than monolithic solutions?

  • Microsoft's New OneNote Service API Backs Free Apps for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android

    Microsoft recently announced the initial release of the OneNote API, which enables programmatic integration of its free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration tool across different programming languages and platforms like Windows, Windows Phone, iOS, Mac OS, Android and the web.

  • REST Support for .NET Micro

    During Build 2014, Microsoft renewed its commitment to the long ignored .NET Micro Framework. This very lightweight version of .NET can be found in for very small devices such as the open source electronics platform Netduino. But the .NET Micro is rather limited, even basic functionality such as accessing REST based resources requires help from people like Daniel Stegmaier of the mfRCF project.

  • Espresso Logic DBaaS Now Wraps SQL Stored Procedures in RESTful APIs

    Espresso Logic has added RESTful endpoints for SQL stored procedures to their DBaaS service.

  • Getting the Avengers with Marvel Comics API

    Recently, Marvel has made available a public API and a RESTful service which provides access to their comics metadata.

  • Are REST Alternatives Needed?

    Ole Lensmar, creator of SoapUI, has asked whether REST is really appropriate for architectures that require real-time, asynchronous interactions and binary protocols. In his article he discusses these areas and believes that alternative approaches are required.

  • RESTful Web Services Framework Jersey 2.5 Released

    The RESTful Web Services Framework Jersey 2.5 was recently released, bringing support for the latest version of Jetty web server, an upgrade of the Apache Connector and numerous defects corrected. Features added in earlier releases, after the major 2.0 release in June, include support for OAuth and Spring 3.

  • The API Orchestration Layer

    The traditional resource-oriented API model may not satisfy the most important of your API consumers. Daniel Jacobson of Netflix asserts that good API design is about knowing your API consumers and optimizing your API for that audience.

  • The Costs of Versioning an API

    Versioning of services is something which has been a cornerstone problem of SOA. There are many examples over the years of experiences gained and shared, but little in the way of concretely comparing and contrasting different approaches. Jean-Jacques Dubray has written about the experiences of his team in this area and some equations they have developed to try to illustrate the differences.

  • List & Label 19 Adds Report Parameters, Collection Variables, OData and REST Data Providers

    The recently released List & Label 19 provides support for report parameters, collection variables, new chart types such as combined, stacked, funnel, pipeline, shapefile and donut in addition to support for OData and REST data providers.