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  • IBM ObjectGrid Distributed Transactional Cache Available

    IBM has been quietly working on ObjectGrid, a distributed cache product as part of their Websphere Extended Deployment platform which also runs standalone with any server. Some key differentiators include transactional access, authorized cache access via JAAS and scalability to 100's. An limited eval version of ObjectGrid is available.

  • WebSphere 6.1 Released; Updated for Java 5, SOA

    IBM has released WebSphere 6.1 to it's customers (free trial download not available yet), marking a signficant release that updates the server with J2SE 5, JSF 1.1, 64 bit, JMX management via JSR 160, support for WS-Addressing, Notification, Business Activity, WS-I Security Profile 1.0, and more. The release comes a year and a half after the J2EE 1.4 compliant WebSphere 6.0 was released.