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  • Developers Can Get a Taste of Mango with WP SDK 7.1 Beta 2

    An early access program allows developers to install Mango on their devices using the just released WP SDK 7.1 Beta2.

  • jQuery Mobile Beta 1 Supports Many Browsers and Platforms

    jQuery Mobile has reached the Beta 1 milestone with support for all major browsers and mobile OSes. A final release is expected by the end of the summer.

  • Tools for Porting Android Apps to Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft attracts Android developers to Windows Phone 7 (WP7) with an API mapping tool and a WP7 Guide.

  • Presentation: Making Apps That Don't Suck

    Developing apps that surprise and delight can seem like an illusive goal that is difficult to articulate or quantify. But in this latest presentation just posted on InfoQ Mike Lee, the software engineer that worked on projects like Delicious Library,Tap Tap Revenge and the Obama ’08 iPhone app, proposes an algorithm for making better apps.

  • Mango, the Next Windows Phone, Is Packed with New Features

    Microsoft has announced Mango, the upcoming version of Windows Phone, a mobile OS that wants to catch up with the competition by providing a plethora of new features: mobile hardware-accelerated IE, multitasking, integrated communication, Silverlight 4 and XNA support, additional sensors, VB.NET support, and others.

  • Build Connected Windows Phone Applications Faster with AgFx

    AgFx is a framework for creating Windows Phone 7 applications that simplifies data access and storage. Developers need only to specify the source of information, how to parse it within the application, and expiration rules. After that, data retrieval, caching and refreshes are handled automatically.

  • An Interview With Ed Schmit, AT&T Developer Ecosystem

    InfoQ spoke with Ed Schmidt at the Seattle Mobile Developer Hackathon last month. He shares his perspective on how developers should prepare to develop mobile apps and the trends he sees in the industry.

  • Scott Olson on Cross Platform Mobile Development with MonoCross

    We recently interviewed Scott Olson of the MonoCross Project. The MonoCross Project is a framework for cross-platform mobile development. It uses a combination of .NET and Mono technologies.

  • Cross Platform Libraries in .NET/Mono

    In an attempt to address the platform divergence problem in the .NET/Mono ecosystem, Microsoft is working on an extension called Portable Library Tools. This tool allows the same compiled library to run on .NET 4.0, Silverlight, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 are available. Microsoft is working with Mono to add support for MonoTouch and MonoDroid.

  • A Survey on Mobile Development

    Web Directions conducted a survey among mobile developers enquiring about their browser and platform of choice, what OS they are currently developing for, what OS they plan to target in the future. The conclusion: iOS and Safari are in the lead, Android is catching up quickly, and Windows Phone 7 is still behind.

  • A Tool for Porting iPhone Apps to Windows Phone 7

    Microsoft has released an API mapping tool, guidance and testimonial videos that eases the work of porting iPhone/iOS applications to Windows Phone 7 (WP 7).

  • jQuery Mobile Alpha 4 released, with support for Windows Phone 7

    The jQuery Mobile team has released Alpha 4 of their cross-platform mobile framework. Positioned as the last Alpha release before Beta, in addition to resolving many issues since Alpha 3, this new build also ships with several new features.

  • MIX 2011 Keynote 2 Highlights

    Round 2 at MIX heavily focused on the next version of Windows Phone. Kinect for Windows was also showcased and Silverlight 5 was briefly mentioned.

  • MIX 2011: What to Expect

    HTML 5, Silverlight 5, and a surprise announcement about Windows Phone 7 look to be on the table at MIX 2011. We are also going to see information on Surface 2, ECMAScript 5, the next version of Web Forms, and the Microsoft Media Platform.

  • Microsoft releases Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7

    On Mar 23, 2011, Microsoft announced the availability the Windows Azure Toolkit for Windows Phone 7. The toolkit, downloadable from CodePlex, installs as a Visual Studio 2010 extension, and is designed to make it easier for developers to build applications on Microsoft Windows Phone 7 devices that interact with Windows Azure.