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Monorepos: beyond the Technicalities
Tiago Bento analyzes software development workflows without ignoring the human factor and the status quo (most likely a poly-repo setting).
Automating Machine Learning and Deep Learning Workflows
Mourad Mourafiq discusses automating ML workflows with the help of Polyaxon, an open source platform built on Kubernetes, to make machine learning reproducible, scalable, and portable.
MLflow: An Open Platform to Simplify the Machine Learning Lifecycle
Corey Zumar offers an overview of MLflow – a new open source platform to simplify the machine learning lifecycle from Databricks.
Scaling Your API Development Workflow
Vincenzo Chianese shares an API development workflow based on culture, understanding, communication and collaboration.
Distributed Workflows with Hypermedia Clients
Glenn Block introduces Hypergoal, a way of creating distributed workflows with hypermedia clients.
Orchestrating Tasks from the Cloud with Groovy and AWS SWF
Clay McCoy discusses using Groovy’s metaprogramming capabilities and AWS SWF to deal with unreliable remote services, parallelization, scheduling critical timers, and server failures.
Toward the Semantic Processing of Business Process Events
Paul Buhler provides insight into the development and application of a semantically grounded version of the Workflow Management Coalition's Business Process Analytics Format (BPAF) specification.
Does REST Need Middleware?
Bill Burke shows how to use REST to create interfaces to middleware services – messaging, transactions, workflow, security – in order to have RESTful enterprise SOA implementations.
RESTful Business Process Management
Cesare Pautasso proves that BPM can be used to compose and implement REST web services, showing the relationship between business processes and stateful resources accessed through a RESTful API.
A couple of ways to skin an Internet-scale cat
Jim Webber explains the core concepts of message-oriented and resource-oriented web services, expresses his thorough dislike of WSDL, and shows an example of a RESTful workflow.