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InfoQ Homepage A/B Testing Content on InfoQ

  • Debugging iOS File Corruption at Facebook

    Facebook engineers Slobodan Predolac and Nicolas Spielberg have recently described how they "solved a long-term mobile debugging problem and reduced the crash rate ... by more than 50 percent." In the process, they show general useful techniques and a few Facebook tools that can help with large, rapidly evolving codebases.

  • Splitforce Updates Toolsuite for Mobile A/B Testing

    Behavioral testing of mobile applications is becoming more and more important for a huge number of companies. Splitforce launched a tool suite to optimize mobile applications by A/B-testing in 2013. Now, Splitforce launched an updated version of its tool suite with functionalities like user-targeting, tests based on behavioral data or auto-optimization.

  • Facebook Open-Sources PlanOut, a Framework for Online Field Experiments

    PlanOut is Facebook's language for online field experiments supporting "A/B tests," factorial designs, and more. According to Facebook, PlanOut makes possible to separate experimental design from application code and allows experimenters to concisely describe their designs. Facebook claims to be using PlanOut to run over a thousand experiments each day that involve hundreds of millions of people.

  • A/B Testing for Mobile Applications offers support for A/B-testing mobile applications without the need for code changes and resubmitting to an app store. Currently, there is only a native library for the iOS platform but libraries for the Android eco-system are already in development and will be available soon. Experiments can be administrated online, adjusted during runtime and monitored in realtime.

  • AnyPresence Soups up Enterprise MBaaS Platform- Part 1 of 2

    Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence continues to hone their chops. Launching the fifth update to their self-titled platform geared for the enterprise. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides some insights for InfoQ readers…

  • Use Canary Deployments to Test in Production

    Companies use "Canary Deployments" to test software in production by routing a subset of users to new functionality as part of continuous delivery according to Nolio in their 1st video in a series about DevOps Best Practices. A "Canary Deployment" is a type of incremental release performed by deploying a new version of software side by side with its production version counterpart.

  • Stripe Open Sources Abba, an A/B Testing Framework

    Stripe has open sourced their JavaScript A/B testing framework called Abba.