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  • Jolt Award 2011 for Design, Planning, and Architecture Tools

    On October 26th, The Jolt Judges announced the awards for 2011 in the category “Design, Planning, and Architecture Tools”. In detail, the Jolt hall of fame now includes the products Paradigm for UML, Restructure 101, and Requirements Center 2010.

  • Individuals and Interactions are Important, but so are Processes and Tools

    There has been a lot of discussion recently about the tension inherent in the Agile Manifesto value "individuals and interactions over processes and tools". This item examines some of the points that have been made.

  • Tasktop Sync Supports Application Lifecycle Management Synchronization

    The new release of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool Tasktop supports an ALM synchronization solution that addresses the visibility and traceability needs of the software development teams. Tasktop team announced the release of Tasktop Sync 1.0 version last month. They also recently released Tasktop Dev 2.1 version which builds on Eclipse Indigo release of Mylyn 3.6.

  • Application Lifecycle Management in Team Foundation Server 11

    Team Foundation Server 11 has added many features in the area of Application Lifecycle Management. Some of the highlights include support for code reviews, iterations/sprints, resource allocation, third part testing frameworks, and a much more capable dependency graph.

  • SoapUI and LoadUI Join the SmartBear Product Portfolio

    SmartBear Software, a prominent ALM and monitoring tool vendor acquired Eviware, creators of popular open source web services testing tools soapui and loadui, last week.

  • Visual Studio vNext Will Bring More Agility and DevOps Integration

    Microsoft has unveiled at TechEd North America 2011 some of the new features coming in Visual Studio: more Agile tools for project planning and collecting stakeholder feedback, a connector for providing operations feedback to developers, plus architecture diagrams and unit testing for VC++.

  • Puppet Labs Releases Faces, Relicenses Puppet Under Apache 2.0

    Puppet Labs released a command-line interface & set of APIs last week, called Faces, that allows sysadmins to create or extend subcommands and actions for Puppet. The API is callable from Ruby and includes objects that expose Puppet’s internal subsystem. Sysadmins can access Puppet objects like report to create, display and submit reports, and catalog to compile, save, view and convert catalogs.

  • GitHub Passes 2m Repositories

    GitHub recently announced they had passed two million git repositories hosted, with 70% being created in the last year alone and an expected 1m users later this year. What else is new at GitHub?

  • Tasktop 2.0 Supports Task Federation and Cross-Repository Agile Planning

    The latest version of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) collaboration tool Tasktop supports task federation, cross-repository Agile planning, and new connectors to other ALM tools like HP Agile Accelerator and SmartBear CodeCollaborator. Tasktop team last week released version 2.0 of the software which also has integration with Hudson CI tool.

  • Eclipse Mylyn 3.5 brings Jenkins into View

    Eclipse Mylyn 3.5 has just been released, bringing improvements into the task focussed view and additional bugzilla queries. But the biggest new feature is the ability to view the state of Jenkins/Hudson builds as well as drill into test failures in order to locally replicate the issue.

  • Predictions about Agile in 2011

    As is normal at the beginning of a new year predictions about where industry and practice are heading abound. Mario Moreira and Scott Ambler predict the continued adoption of agile practices across more and more organisations, and the adaptation of agile techniques to larger and more distributed teams, with an emphasis on more structured implementations.

  • Collabnet Offers new Agile ALM Cloud options

    Collabnet has released a new version of Teamforge (5.4), the general release of Subversion Edge, and a new Teamforge licensing agreement (TeamForge SCM Licensing option). All were announced at the Agile 2010 conference this week. The stated intent of these new products is to increase the flexibility of organizations seeking to adopt Agile software development methods.

  • Tasktop Agile Planner for Eclipse Released

    Tasktop has released an Agile planning tool that leverages MyLyn connectors to provide planning support that spans across multiple project management integrations like Mingle, Team Concert, Rally, Scrumworks,JIRA and VersionOne. The Eclipse integration supports automatic linking between plan items and source code artifacts allowing developers to create and manage plans directly from Eclipse.

  • Introducing Sun Yiyi’s Git Source Control Provider for Visual Studio 2008/2010

    Many .NET developers have turned to distributed source control systems. The most popular one seems to be Git, which was originally created by Linus Torvalds for Linux kernel development. One problem with Git is that it is predominately command-line based while .NET developers prefer to stay in the IDE. This is why Sun Yiyi’s Git Source Control Provider an important part of Git adoption.

  • The Various Flavors of Unified Process

    The Rational Unified Process(RUP) was developed through the 1990's as a framework for software engineering best practices. Features such as iterations, simplicity, focus on value and regular feedback were identified as being important for Asuccessful software engineering. A number of authors have built methodologies that adapt UP to different project domains. This article examines some of them.