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Loquat: A Design for Large-scale Distributed Applications
Christopher Meiklejohn introduces Loqaut, a design for large-scale actor programming on the Erlang virtual machine.
Pony: How I learned to stop worrying and embrace an unproven technology
Sean T. Allen talks about his experiences using Pony to build Wallaroo, a high-performance, low-latency stream processing engine.
Concurrency and Strong Types for IoT
Carl Hewitt promotes using strong types and the actor model to deal with various devices in IoT.
Actor Models and Self-Healing Distributed Systems for Microservices with Azure Service Fabric
Stephen Bohlen explores Azure Service Fabric, microservices and actors, discussing how they can simplify the development of massively parallel systems and the ability to reason about them.
Scaling Distributed Systems
Natalia Chechina outlines features of actor and functional programming models, and the reason these models attract so much interest in parallel, concurrent, and scaling world.
Actors for CyberThings
Carl Hewitt keynotes on the Actor Model and ActorScript, providing examples of using them for large-scale datacenters and IoT.
Building the Halo 4 Services with Orleans
Caitie McCaffrey does an overview of Orleans, the challenges faced when building the Halo 4 services, and why the Actor Model and Orleans in particular were utilized to solve these problems.