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InfoQ Homepage Cloud Adoption Content on InfoQ

  • OASIS Delivers Cloud Computing Application Portability Specification

    Leading tech vendors are working together to establish a standard for enabling “portability of cloud applications and IT services that comprise them running on complex software and hardware infrastructure.”

  • SOA and Cloud: What is in store for 2012?

    In traditional fashion, we celebrate the new year with a roundup of predictions in the SOA and Cloud space for 2012. This coming year the promising trends in big data and IT consumerization are expected to lead SOA and Cloud adoption. What is your prediction?

  • "A standard becomes successful when people don’t talk about it anymore" says OMG's Soley

    OMG CEO Richard Soley in a recent interview shares his observations on hype cycle effects on adoption patterns and how it may affect cloud computing like it did SOA. He extolls some virtues of cloud computing for startups and also explains why it may still not be as big a deal for larger businesses, despite the hype.

  • Ephemeralization or Heroku's Evolution to a Polyglot Cloud OS

    Heroku recently announced its new Cedar stack and the addition of Node.js and Clojure as new deployment languages. InfoQ spoke with Heroku Co-Founder Adam Wiggins about this recent development, underlying principles and future plans. He compares a PAAS to an Operating System for the Cloud built atop of the combination of powerful, existing tools.

  • Accelerating Cloud Computing Standards with Use Cases

    A set of key cloud computing use cases focused on cloud management, portability, interoperability and security has been developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) as an on-going contribution for the definition of open standards for cloud computing.

  • Adrian Cole Announces JClouds 1.0 Release

    The goal of the new JClouds 1.0 release is to provide a common interface for managing compute nodes and storage nodes across many vendors, providers, frameworks and APIs from IaaS to PaaS, says JClouds founder Adrian Cole.