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  • Elastic Leadership

    Roy Osherove talks about the challenges and opportunities of being a software team leader. He shares his hard won experiences in growing teams, their members and influencing behaviour. Being a software team lead is about getting out of your comfort zone, creating trust and commitment in your team but also about knowing about team maturity levels and the different approaches needed.

    Elastic Leadership
  • Smaltalk's Dave and Erlang's Joe on Software Quality and Craftsmanship

    Joe Armstrong and Dave Thomas take a look back on the evolution of software and progress that has been made. They make some observations about the actual state of the industry and highlight problems that prevent it from delivering quality software. They try to identify reasons of these issues and suggest craftsmanship as possible solution.

    Smaltalk's Dave and Erlang's Joe on Software Quality and Craftsmanship
  • Mary-Lynn Manns on Fearless Change

    Mary-Lynn discusses how Fearless Change presented patterns focused on the evangelist and the introduction of new change ideas into an organization. She goes on to note how the sequel, tentatively titled More Fearless Change, adds patterns that focus on gaining the necessary emotional and personal commitment to making change happen. She also talks about Agile and its adoption.

    Mary-Lynn Manns on Fearless Change
  • Jay Phillips on Adhearsion and VoIP

    In this interview recorded at RubyFringe, Jay Phillips talks about VoIP, Asterisk and how his framework Adhearsion makes it easy to write voice applications.

    Jay Phillips on Adhearsion and VoIP
  • Jim McCarthy and 11 Commitments For a Shared Vision

    In this talk filmed during Agile 2008, Jim McCarthy talks about 11 commitments team members should adhere to if they want to achieve a state of shared vision. Such a state empowers a team to reach their full potential and ultimately attain greatness.

    Jim McCarthy and 11 Commitments For a Shared Vision