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InfoQ Homepage Community Content on InfoQ

  • David Laribee on Alt.NET and its Mission

    Greg Young interviews Dave Laribee who is the founder and current lead administrator of ALT.NET, a conference where varied and fringe ideas on programming languages and practices are encouraged.

    David Laribee on Alt.NET and its Mission
  • Erich Gamma Discusses Jazz, Eclipse, JUnit and Design Patterns

    In this interview from QCon London 2008, Erich Gamma discusses the Jazz project, why Eclipse has been successful, the strict Eclipse release schedule, JUnit, Design Patterns, how to identify a design pattern, design patterns and the 'Don't Repeat Yourself' principle, the design pattern community, and whether dependency injection is a design pattern.

    Erich Gamma Discusses Jazz, Eclipse, JUnit and Design Patterns
  • Ola Bini Discusses JRuby

    Ola Bini discusses JRuby, an implementation of Ruby written in Java that runs on the JVM. Amongst other things, Ola talks about his appreciation for the Ruby community, and describes his view of the differences with the Java community. He also briefly discusses his vision on the future of Ruby, particularly the potential of merging some of the more powerful features found in Lisp.

    Ola Bini Discusses JRuby
  • Patrick Curran discusses the Java Community Process

    In this interview, new JCP chairman Patrick Curran discusses his goals for the JCP, what role standards play, the interactions between innovation and standardization, the impact of OpenJDK, the Java SE TCK and Apache Harmony, the shift in app servers from Java EE to SOA, future Java technology standardization, interesting and successful JSRs, and the future of the JCP.

    Patrick Curran discusses the Java Community Process
  • QCon Panel: What will the Future of Java Development Be?

    In this panel discussion from QCon San Francisco, several influential leaders of the software development community discussed and debated the future of the Java language and APIs based upon the lessons we have learned from the past. Topics included static versus dynamic languages, removing code from Java, forking the JVM, and the next big programming language.

    QCon Panel: What will the Future of Java Development Be?
  • Charles Nutter discusses JRuby

    JRuby project lead Charles Nutter discusses how he got involved with JRuby, Sun's involvement with JRuby, how JRuby fits into enterprise-level web applications, the possibility of a friendly fork of the OpenJDK source code, reasons for switching to JRuby, the future of JRuby, Spring and JRuby, and the Ruby community as a whole.

    Charles Nutter discusses JRuby
  • Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier Decide if Rails is Enterprise Ready

    Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier sat down with InfoQ's Obie Fernandez at RailsConf to explore some of the reasoning behind setting up the mongrel project, getting adoption in enterprise and dealing with developers who just aren't ready. Watch the interview to find out how much Shaw's Enterprise Mongrel product will cost, where the support contracts are and who'll come out on top when the vultures land.

    Zed Shaw and Matt Pelletier Decide if Rails is Enterprise Ready
  • David Black on the Success of Ruby

    Noted Ruby community leader and author David Black puts the success of Ruby and the growth of its community in historical perspective, why Matz is an optimal custodian for the language, and the overall success of Ruby and Rails and related conferences. We also discuss David's book Ruby for Rails, and why it's needed at this time by the Rails community.

    David Black on the Success of Ruby