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InfoQ Homepage DNS Content on InfoQ

  • GitHub Engineering Adopts New Architecture for MySQL High Availability uses MySQL as a backbone for many of its critical services like the API, authentication and the website itself. Github’s engineering team replaced its previous DNS and VIP based setup with one based on Orchestrator, Consul and the Github Load Balancer to get around split brain and DNS caching issues.

  • Monitoring Cloudflare's Global Network Using Prometheus

    Matt Bostock’s SRECON 2017 Europe talk covers how Prometheus, a metric-based monitoring tool, is used to monitor CDN, DNS and DDoS mitigation provider CloudFlare’s globally distributed infrastructure and network.

  • Multiple DNS Providers to Mitigate DDoS Attacks

    Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks against Domain Name System (DNS) providers are increasing in number and scale with the proliferation of insecure IoT devices. While DNS providers have various methods of protecting themselves against such attacks, one of the ways for a website to protect itself is to use multiple DNS providers.

  • Amazon Announces AWS Shield for DDoS Protection

    At the recent re:Invent 2016 event, Amazon announced a new service called AWS Shield, which provides customers with protection from Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. This announcement comes just over a month after Amazon was impacted by a DDoS attack on a DNS provider that Amazon used, Dynamic Network Services (Dyn).

  • Nomulus: Google’s Open-Source TLD Registry Platform

    Google announces newly open-sourced cloud platform for creating and managing generic TLDs. Dubbed Nomulus, the AppEngine-powered platform helps domain registries by reducing the technological barriers to entering the market — from scaling their product to just getting started.

  • Microsoft Announces Azure DNS General Availability

    On September 26th, Microsoft announced the Azure DNS service has reached General Availability (GA) in all public Azure regions. Azure DNS allows customers to host their DNS domain in Azure, so they can manage their DNS records using the same credentials, billing and support contract as their other Azure services.

  • Consul 0.7 Adds Atomic K/V Updates, ACL Replication and Improved Protocol Robustness

    Last week, Hashicorp released version 0.7 of Consul its open-source distributed service discovery and configuration tool. Tagged a "very large release", it introduces transactions for key/value updates, replication of ACLs across datacenters, improvements to its Raft and Gossip protocol implementations and optimisation of corresponding timings.

  •, an Instant and Free CDN, touted as a free Content Delivery Network (CDN), is essentially a wrapper over Amazon’s CloudFront.

  • Remotely Exploitable GlibC DNS Bug Discovered

    A recently discovered buffer overflow in the DNS resolution of GLibC, which has been present since 2008, has the potential to be remotely exploitable and crash a significant number of Linux applications. InfoQ investigates.

  • Rust 1.0 Alpha Released

    The Rust programming language moves closer to its milestone 1.0 with the release of Rust 1.0 Alpha. It represents a marked improvement in code quality since the fall and provides interested developers a chance to use the language in a manner near its final 1.0 form.

  • Service Discovery with Consul

    HashiCorp Consul is a solution for service discovery and configuration, designed to run distributed, highly available and scalable to thousands of nodes.

  • Amazon Route 53, a DNS Server in the Cloud

    Amazon is offering a new cloud service called Route 53 providing all the functionality needed to run a DNS server in their cloud without any maintenance overhead and using the pay-as-you-go model common to all AWS services.