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Axel Rauschmayer on ECMAScript 6 and the Future of JavaScript
The well-known JavaScript language expert, Dr. Axel Rauschmayer, discusses with Brian Rinaldi some of the changes coming to the JavaScript language soon via the ECMAScript 6 specification. He discusses the two changes he believes will be the most impactful to the JavaScript developer community as well as the changing landscape bring brought about by new browser features such as web components.
Felix Klock II on Parallel JavaScript
Felix Klock II explains Parallel JavaScript (née RiverTrail): how it brings parallelism to JavaScript, what data structures and types it supports, how it relates to ECMAScript 6 specs and much more.
Rick Hudson on Parallel JavaScript (RiverTrail)
In this interview, Intel's Rick Hudson talks about Parallel JavaScript (formerly known as "RiverTrail"), a new parallel programming API designed specifically for JavaScript. Rick describes RiverTrail and its vision of how to leverage current and future parallel hardware from within the browser and JavaScript.
Allen Wirfs-Brock on ECMAScript, Browsers and the Ambient Computing Era
Allen Wirfs-Brock talks about the ambient computng era and how the web and the browsers fit in this vision. He also shares his experiences from working on EcmaScript 5/6, and explains about the evolution of this spec.
Future of Web Application Security, with Tyler Close
As web applications have evolved away from the old client-server model, so have the security threads. In this interview Tyler Close talks about common security challenges and how these are affected by the new HTML5 APIs and Ecmascript 5.
ECMAScript 5, Caja and Retrofitting Security, with Mark S. Miller
Mark S. Miller talks about the security considerations of JavaScript and how they are dealt with in ECMAScript 5 and the Caja project. He also mentions issues that have to do with HTML5 and compares the security characteristics of other languages like Java and Scheme.