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  • Adrian Colyer on AspectJ, tc Server and dm Server

    SpringSource CTO Adrian Colyer talks to InfoQ about AspectJ. The interview explores how products such as Spring Roo are using AspectJ, and how ideas from AspectJ helped SpringSource improve the Groovy compiler inside Eclipse. Colyer also discusses SpringSource's two server offerings, dm Server and tc Server, OSGi and Scrum.

    Adrian Colyer on AspectJ, tc Server and dm Server
  • Chris Richardson discusses Cloud Foundry and Cloud Computing

    Chris Richardson discusses the evolving cloud computing landscape, cloud computing tools, differences between local machines and cloud-based virtual machines, Cloud Foundry offerings, deploying a Java application to Cloud Foundry, Cloud Foundry vs other cloud offerings, future Cloud Foundry developments, and the future of enterprise Java development.

    Chris Richardson discusses Cloud Foundry and Cloud Computing
  • Rob Harrop on SpringSource dm Server and OSGi

    In this interview made by InfoQ’s Srini Penchikala, Rob Harrop talks about SpringSource dm Server, its OSGi based modularity and the advantages it offers. He also touches other adjacent topics like support for Java EE6, cloud computing, JMX, and others.

    Rob Harrop on SpringSource dm Server and OSGi