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InfoQ Homepage F# Content on InfoQ

  • F# Past and Future Discussed at F# Gotham

    On October 17th, F# Gotham gathered experts who presented different aspects of the language and tooling such as asynchronous programming, computation expressions, optimization, FParsec and Xamarin.Forms. The presentation of David Stephens and Jay Schmelzer, both from Microsoft, focused less on the technical aspect and more on the bigger picture. They presented the past, present and future of F#.

  • Ionide is a New Atom-based F# IDE Written in F#

    Ionide, based on the Atom Editor, is a suite of packages that aim to provide a full-featured, modern, cross-platform, open-source IDE for F# development. InfoQ has talked with Ionide’s creator, Krzysztof Cieślak.

  • Interview with Adam Granicz on WebSharper 3

    Version 3 of WebSharper, the F# framework for developing web applications hits RTM this year. We decided to catch up with Adam Granicz, CEO of IntelliFactory, to learn what new features and improvements WebSharper 3 brings.

  • F# 4.0 Released for All Platforms

    F# 4.0 has been released for the big three major platforms (Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux). F# 4.0 brings a host of new features, bug fixes, and performance improvements that benefit users of the language whether or not they are writing code in Visual Studio 2015.

  • Two More Major Bugs Revealed in .NET 4.6's RyuJIT Compiler

    Two more significant bugs have been found when using RyuJIT and .NET 4.6. Code recompilation is not necessary to experience the effects, merely running existing code on RyuJIT (which ships in .NET 4.6 and is enabled by default) will cause severe problems.

  • Introducing F# 4.0

    While all of the recent news has been focused on C# and Windows 10, F# isn’t standing still. Along with Visual Studio 2015 RC is the latest version of F# 4.0.

  • Microsoft Embraces GitHub for their .NET Compilers

    Microsoft is continuing their move from CodePlex to GitHub for their open source offerings. The F# compiler was moved on the 13th, with the Roslyn based C# and VB compilers following a few days later.

  • Microsoft Announces Pre-release of F# 4.0 in Visual Studio 2015 Preview

    Microsoft announced a pre-release of F# 4.0 for Visual Studio 2015 Preview which can be installed through a Visual Studio update package. The update brings improvements to language and tooling features that can positively impact developers' daily life, several commenters said.

  • News from Xamarin Evolve 2014: Android Player, Sketches and C# Profiler

    The Xamarin Evolve 2014 event taking place these days in Atlanta, US, has produced a number of news related to the cross-platform tools Xamarin makes: Android Player – a hardware accelerated Android simulator-, Sketches –a REPL-like environment-, and Profiler –a C# code profiler-.

  • ASP.NET vNext: Custom Project Loaders and Language Support

    The ASP.NET vNext runtime uses the Rosylyn compiler to compile and load the C# sources before running them. David Fowler shows how you can leverage the DI-by-design approach of KRuntime to inject support for your own language.

  • F# Native App Development on iOS and Android

    F# has supported both iOS and Android native programming through Xamarin since at least Xamarin 4.8 and can be efficiently used to create native apps on both platforms. Let's give a look at some experience reports.

  • DDD and CQRS Using the Functional Language F#

    A focus on behaviour and a more declarative style of code are two benefits for Domain-Driven Design (DDD) when moving from an object-oriented language like C# to a functional one like F#, Lev Gorodinski claims in a recent presentation, using an example that includes event sourcing and Command-Query Responsibility Separation (CQRS) to show some of the benefits and challenges in a move to F#.

  • Domain-Driven Design Using a Functional Language

    Using a functional language in domain-driven design (DDD) the actual code can often become simple enough to be used instead of UML diagrams when discussing with domain experts, Scott Wlaschin stated in a recent talk about domain modelling together with functional programming using F#.

  • Visual F# Tools 3.1.1 Adds Visual Studio Express 2013 Desktop and Web Versions

    Visual F# Tools 3.1.1 has been released with support for both desktop and web versions of Visual Studio 2013 Express edition in addition to the ability to install it directly from PowerShell prompt.

  • F# Moves Forward in 3.1 Preview Release

    F#, Microsoft's powerful functional language, is receiving several improvements that refine the language in several ways: .NET 4.5 + Windows Store portable library support, project round-tripping, and several language enhancements including named union type fields, and extensions to array slicing.