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InfoQ Homepage Integration Patterns Content on InfoQ

  • RESTful HTTP in practice

    Gregor Roth overviews the basics of RESTful HTTP and discusses typical issues that developers face when they design RESTful HTTP applications, showing how to apply the REST architecture style in practice. Gregor describes commonly used approaches to name URIs, discusses how to interact with resources through the Uniform interface, when to use PUT or POST and how to support non-CRUD operations.

  • Getting Started With Spring Integration

    In this article, Joshua Long introduces the readers to Spring Integration, an extension of the Spring framework supporting the Enterprise Integration Patterns. After a short introduction into Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), the article presents an example of the integration between an email application and a blogger one.

  • Choosing between Routing and Orchestration in an ESB

    In this article, Adrien Louis and Marc Dutoo discuss the differences and relative merits of using orchestration vs. routing in a typical ESB setup. They discuss various approaches to connecting services, from low level ones like customized routing, to high-level ones using business oriented approaches like workflow and orchestration, and conclude that there is no one-size-fits-all solution.