InfoQ Homepage Java9 Content on InfoQ
Demystifying the Most Significant Java Language Features from 9 to 11
Ionut Balosin discusses some of the Java features appearing in Java 9, 10 and 11.
Invest in Your Java Katalogue
Don Raab and Aditi Mantri explain the approach they have taken in developing Java code Katas, and discuss best practices around them.
Modular Java Development in Action
Sander Mak explores the benefits of a modular codebase using Java 9 modules, and issues porting an existing application to modules.
Java 9: Tips on Migration and Upgradability
Bernard Traversat talks about the new Java 9 features, and migration strategies to migrate existing code to Java 9. He provides a number of useful tips to ease code migration to Java 9.
Migrating Speedment to Java 9
Dan Lawesson talks about his experience migrating Speedment to Java 9.
The Java Evolution of Eclipse Collections
Kristen O'Leary talks about some of the newest features from the 8.0.0 release including the use of Java 8 features such as Collectors, Optional and SummaryStatistics.
Java Futures: Modules and More
Karen Kinnear highlights some Java 9 features, diving into the Module System (project Jigsaw), and taking a sneak peak at some of the future Java projects currently incubating.
Real-World Java 9
Trisha Gee shows via live coding how we can use the new Flow API to utilize Reactive Programming, how the improvements to the Streams API make it easier to control real-time streaming data, etc.
Goodbye PrintGCDetails... and Other JDK 9 Changes!
Tony Printezis talks about the major changes and improvements coming in JDK 9 that will affect (but also help) anyone who's interested in Java performance monitoring, profiling, and tuning.
Java SE 9: Continuing to Thrive in the Cloud!
Bernard Traversat discusses JVM enhancements addressing cloud deployment requirements such as G1 GC, segmented code cache, contended locking, and density String.
JDK 8: Lessons Learnt with Lambdas and Streams
Simon Ritter starts with a short summary of the key features of both Lambda expressions and streams before moving on to some real world examples of how to use them effectively.
Project Jigsaw in JDK 9: Modularity Comes to Java
Simon Ritter explains the impact project Jigsaw will have on developers in terms of building their applications, as well as helping them to understand how things will change in JDK 9.