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  • NoSQL For Mere Mortals Review and Author Q&A

    Addison-Wesley Professional NoSQL for Mere Mortals provides an introduction to NoSQL databases spanning across the major types of databases that fall under the NoSQL umbrella and explaining both advantages and shortcomings that each database type offers. InfoQ has spoken with the book's author, Dan Sullivan.

  • Jepsen: Testing the Partition Tolerance of PostgreSQL, Redis, MongoDB and Riak

    Distributed systems are characterized by exchanging state over high-latency or unreliable links. The system must be robust to both node and network failure if it is to operate reliably--however, not all systems satisfy the safety invariants we'd like. In this article, we'll explore some of the design considerations of distributed databases, and how they respond to network partitions.

  • Interview and Book Review: The LogStash Book, Log Management Made Easy

    James Turnbull makes a compelling case for using Logstash for centralizing logging by explaining the implementation details of Logstash within the context of a logging project. The book targets both small companies and large enterprises through a two sided case; both for the low barrier to entry and the scaling capabilities.