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Java News Roundup: JDK 23-RC2, MicroProfile 7.0, Infinispan, Maven, JHipster
This week's Java roundup for August 19th, 2024, features news highlighting: the second release candidate of JDK 23; the release of MicroProfile 7.0; and point releases for Infinispan, Quarkus, Helidon, Maven, JHipster and Kotlin.
Java News Roundup: JDK 23 in Rampdown Phase Two, Graal Development Kit, Payara Platform, JSpecify
This week's Java roundup for July 15th, 2024, features news highlighting: JDK 23 in Rampdown Phase Two: the July 2024 Payara Platform release; Graal Development Kit for Micronaut 4.5.0; GraalVM for JDK 22 Community 22.0.2; JSpecify 1.0.0, MicroProfile 7.0-RC1, Open Liberty; and the July 2024 Oracle Critical Patch Update.
Java News Roundup: Project Leyden Early-Access Builds, LangChain4j, JReleaser, Groovy
This week's Java roundup for July 1st, 2024, features news highlighting: the debut of the Project Leyden early-access builds, LangChain4j 0.32.0, JReleaser 1.13.0, Apache Groovy point and milestone releases and updates on Jakarta EE 11 and initial discussions on Jakarta EE 12.
Java News Roundup: Jakarta EE 11-M4, MicroProfile, InfoQ Dev Summit, KCDC, Commonhaus Foundation
This week's Java roundup for June 24th, 2024, features news highlighting: the Milestone 4 release of Jakarta EE 11; release candidates for updated MicroProfile specifications targeted for MicroProfile 7.0; the first-ever InfoQ Dev Summit Boston conference; the 2024 Kansas City Developer Conference (KCDC); and new projects that have joined the Commonhaus Foundation.
WildFly 30 Application Server Gets Ready for JDK 21
WildFly, an application framework written in Java and developed and maintained by Red Hat, released its latest version 30 in October 2023. The key focus of this release was to prepare for the latest LTS Java version 21, one feature request and several dependency upgrades and bug fixes.
Java News Roundup: Unnamed Variables and Patterns, WildFly 30, MicroProfile 6.1, Payara Platform
This week's Java roundup for October 16th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, BellSoft, Oracle VS Code extension, WildFly 30, Payara Platform, MicroProfile 6.1, EclipseCon and releases for GraalVM Native Build Tools, Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring Authorization Server, Spring Cloud Dataflow, Micronaut, Quarkus, Open Liberty, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, JHipster and JHipster Lite.
Java News Roundup: JCP 25th Anniversary, Foreign Function & Memory API, Eclipse Epicyro
This week's Java roundup for September 11th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JCP, JDK 22, JDK 21, Payara Platform, Eclipse Epicyro, Grails Plugin Portal and milestone and point releases for: Spring Framework, Spring Data, Spring Tools, Quarkus, Micronaut, Helidon, MicroProfile Telemetry, Groovy, Camel Quarkus, Micrometer Metrics and Tracing, Piranha, JobRunr, JHipster Lite and Project Reactor.
Java News Roundup: JDK 22 Release Schedule, Project Babylon, Helidon 4.0-RC2, MicroProfile 6.1-RC1
This week's Java roundup for September 4th, 2023, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.26, Quarkus 3.3.2, MicroProfile 6.1-RC1, MicroProfile Config 3.1-RC2, Helidon 4.0.0-M2, Open Liberty, Hibernate Search 7.0.0.Beta1, Infinispan 14.0.17.Final, Eclipse Mojarra 4.0.4, JDKMon 17.0.71, JHipster 8.0.0-beta.3 and 7.9.4 and JavaZone 2023 Conference.
Java News Roundup: Payara Cloud, MicroProfile Telemetry, Calendar, JVM Language Summit
This week's Java roundup for August 7th, 2023, features news from JDK 22, JDK 21, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.24, Spring Cloud 2023.0.0-M1, Spring Modulith 1.0-RC1, Payara Cloud, Quarkus 3.2.4, MicroProfile Telemetry 1.1, OpenXava 7.1.4, calendar and JVM Language Summit 2023.
Java News Roundup: WildFly 29, JDK 21 in RDP2, Helidon 4.0-M1, Oracle Critical Patch Updates
This week's Java roundup for July 17th, 2023, features news from JDK 22, JDK 21, JDK 20, BellSoft, releases of: Spring Boot; Spring Framework; Spring for GraphQL; Spring Session; Spring Integration and Spring HATEOAS; WildFly 29, Quarkus 3.2.1, Helidon 4.0-M1, Micronaut 4.0.1, Hibernate 6.3-CR1, MicroProfile Config 3.1, Infinispan 14.0.13, PrimeFaces 12.0.5, OpenXava 7.1.3 and Gradle 8.3-RC1.
MicroProfile 6.0 Delivers Alignment with Jakarta EE 10 and a New Specification
In a major move for the Java community, the MicroProfile Working Group has officially released MicroProfile 6.0. This anticipated release brings a host of new features and improvements, including alignment with the Jakarta 10 Core Profile and updates to several key specifications, such as Metrics, JWT Authentication, Open API, Reactive Messaging, and Reactive Streams Operators.
Java News Roundup: MicroProfile 6.0, Kotlin 1.8, Spring Framework Updates
This week's Java roundup for January 9th, 2023, features news from JDK 20, JDK 21, Spring Framework 6.0.4 and 5.3.25, Spring Data 2022.0.1 and 2021.2.7, Spring Shell 2.1.5 and 3.0.0-RC1, MicroProfile 6.0, Quarkus 2.15.3, Micronaut 3.8.1, Micrometer Metrics 1.10.3, Micrometer Tracing 1.0.1, Project Reactor 2022.0.2, Piranha 23.1.0, Apache Tomcat 9.0.71, JHipster Lite 0.26.0 and Kotlin 1.8.0.
Payara Cloud Automates Jakarta EE Deployments to Kubernetes
Payara introduced Payara Cloud, a serverless solution for Jakarta EE applications, which manages the infrastructure configuration and creation. It allows developers to focus on creating and configuring the application before pushing the application's WAR file to the cloud.
Java News Roundup: Payara Platform 6, Spring Updates and CVEs, Asynchronous Stack Trace VM API
This week's Java roundup for October 31st, 2022, features news from OpenJDK, JDK 20, JavaFX 20, GZC 20, Spring Framework milestone, point and release candidates, Payara Platform 6, Micronaut 3.7.3, MicroProfile 6.0-RC2, Hibernate ORM point releases, Apache TomEE 9.0-RC1, Apache Camel 3.18.3, GraalVM Native Build Tools 0.9.17, JReleaser 1.3.1, JobRunr 5.3.1, JDKMon 17.0.39 and J-Fall 2022.
Java News Roundup: Helidon Níma, Spring Framework, MicroProfile, MicroStream, Kotlin, Piranha
This week's Java roundup for September 12th, 2022, features news from JDK 19, JDK 20, updates to Spring Framework, Spring Cloud and Spring Tools, introducing Helidon Níma, MicroProfile Reactive specifications, Quarkus 2.12.2, MicroStream 7.1.0, Project Reactor 2022.0.0-M6, Hibernate Search 6.1.7, JHipster Lite 0.15.1, Piranha Cloud 22.9.0, Kotlin 1.7.20-RC and Apache Tika 1.28.5.