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  • Performance is a Key .NET Core Feature

    .NET Core brings along many optimizations with regards to performance, both in terms of execution speed as well as memory allocation. Examples are optimizations in collections and LINQ extension methods, text processing, networking … There are also new types and concepts, such as Span, that allow doing interesting things. In this article, we will look at how these new concepts can be used.

  • Azure and .NET Core Are Beautiful Together

    ASP.NET Core provides developers a way to develop modern web applications in the environment of their choosing (Linux, macOSX, and Windows). Microsoft Azure gives developers full power to host those web applications in anything from a full VM to a Docker container to Azure's App Service which simplifies management of the host environment. This lets developers focus on code and not servers.

  • First Hand Account of SignalR Core

    SignalR Core is designed to make it easy for developers to add real-time (server-side push) functionality to their web applications. The latest alpha release is reviewed by SignalR Core contributor Giovany Alzate Sandoval, providing a first look at the new features of SignalR Core and what to expect when migrating an existing SignalR Core application.

  • InfoQ’s Top Software Developer Stories, Videos and Podcasts from 2017

    Charles Humble compiles a list of this year’s most interesting and popular content on InfoQ and chats to QCon chair Wesley Reisz about 2017 and how the next 12 months are shaping up.

  • Mobile Cross-Platform Development with Xamarin

    Xamarin is becoming a popular tool for mobile app development. There are a number of very good reasons for this as well as a few drawbacks that make it unsuitable for certain kinds of apps. This article will dwell upon them as well as weigh up the pros and cons of cross-platform versus native development.

  • InfoQ Call for Articles

    InfoQ provides software engineers with the opportunity to share experiences gained using innovator and early adopter stage techniques and technologies with the wider industry. We are always on the lookout for quality articles and we encourage practitioners and domain experts to submit feature-length (2,000 to 3,000 word) papers that are timely, educational and practical.

  • Challenges in HoloLens Application Development

    This article discusses the lessons we learned developing new UWP apps and updating existing UWP applications to make them work on the HoloLens. We present UWP application design considerations to be taken into account early in the development lifecycle to support the HoloLens device family. Finally, we provide plausible solutions and suggestions to make the upgrade process less complex.

  • Q&A with Elton Stoneman on Migrating Workloads and Running Docker on Windows

    These are still early days for Docker on Windows but the possibilities in terms of workloads keeps growing. InfoQ spoke with Elton Stoneman, author of the book Docker on Windows, and speaker at the recent WinOps conference, to understand how to run containers on Windows and which kind of workloads are a good choice for migration.

  • Detecting and Analyzing Redundant Code

    As software development projects grow in scope, it is very easy for them to add redundant layers of code. By analyzing several large open source projects on GitHub, the author presents his findings as to the amount of redundant code each project has and shares some recommendations as to how all projects can improve their own code management.

  • The Top 10 Adages in Continuous Deployment

    On the basis of discussions at the Continuous Deployment Summit, researchers derived 10 adages about continuous-deployment practices. These adages represent a working set of approaches and beliefs that guide current practice and establish a tangible target for empirical validation.

  • Unleashing the Power of .NET Big Memory and Memory Mapped Files

    In continuation of the Big Memory topic on the .NET platform, this article describes the benefits of utilization of large data sets in-process on the managed CLR server environments using Agincore’s Big Memory Pile.

  • Virtual Panel: High Performance Application in .NET

    The panelists discuss high performance computing in .NET. The topics range from the main challenges they faced, to .NET Native and high performance in unconventional platforms. Memory allocation and thus garbage collection are at the center of the conversation, from both users' and implementers' point of view.