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  • Dan Ingalls on the History of Smalltalk and the Lively Kernel

    Dan Ingalls explains the ideas that went into Smalltalk, how it was developed at Xerox PARC, the ideas that went into Squeak, and his latest project the browser-based Lively Kernel.

    Dan Ingalls on the History of Smalltalk and the Lively Kernel
  • Joe Walker on Bespin

    Joe Walker explains the browser-based source editor Bespin: the architecture and implementation, the collaboration features, new ideas for command lines, Canvas vs DOM, speed, extensibility, and much more.

    Joe Walker on Bespin
  • Aaron Quint on the State of Javascript

    Aaron Quint talks about his projects Sammy, a Javascript port of Sinatra, and Jim, a Javascript packaging tool, as well as the state of Javascript, jQuery, Node.js, CommonJS, and much more.

    Aaron Quint on the State of Javascript
  • Udi Dahan on CQRS, DDD and NServiceBus

    Udi Dahan talks about Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) and its relationship to Domain Driven Design (DDD). Dahan also discusses his project, the NServiceBus. NServiceBus is an open-source service bus for Microsoft's .NET environment. In many ways, NServiceBus works like Microsoft's Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and can be used instead of WCF in some cases.

    Udi Dahan on CQRS, DDD and NServiceBus
  • John Hughes on Why Functional Programming Matters!

    John Hughes is the author of “Why functional programming matters” paper and in this interview he outlines the merits of functional programming and the reason for his involvement with it. He also goes over several core principles of functional programming like monads, handling of side-effects, etc.

    John Hughes on Why Functional Programming Matters!
  • Jim Coplien: Why DCI is the Right Architecture for Right Now

    Jim Coplien, co-creator of Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) architecture, covers a variety of topics including DCI, the importance of language support for DCI and the state of Agile development. Coplien has championed the DCI architecture with Trygve ReensKaug, the inventor of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which separates data and its processing from presentation.

    Jim Coplien: Why DCI is the Right Architecture for Right Now
  • Don Syme Talks About F# 2.0, a First Class Citizen in Visual Studio 2010

    In this interview made by Sadek Drobi, Don Syme speaks about F# 2.0, its application fields, its integration in Visual Studio 2010 and F# open source Power Pack library. Don also discusses the genesis of F#, the ties with OCaml as well as its specificity. He explains how did OOP and FP mix into one language and mentions some of the language's design decisions and compromises he had to take.

    Don Syme Talks About F# 2.0, a First Class Citizen in Visual Studio 2010
  • Dylan Schiemann on Mobile Web application Development with HTML 5 and JavaScript

    Dylan Schiemann talks about the challenges that Mobile Web Application developers face and how technologies like HTML 5 and JavaScript assist them. He also points out common pitfalls and ways to get around them.

    Dylan Schiemann on Mobile Web application Development with HTML 5 and JavaScript
  • Dean Wampler on Programming Languages

    This interview begins with a discussion of functional programming, the use of Scala by programmers trained in Java and the differences between purely functional languages like Haskell and hybrids like Scala. Later in the interview other programming languages are discussed along with the notion of programming paradigms and the need for combining both paradigms and languages to best solve problems.

    Dean Wampler on Programming Languages
  • Don Box Discusses SOAP, XML, REST and M

    In this interview from QCon San Francisco 2009, Don Box discusses the history of SOAP, XML, XML Schema, RELAX NG, SOAP and WSDL, REPL, opinions on REST, REST at Microsoft, coexistence of REST and WS-*, the M programming language, M and DSLs, M versus XML/XML Schema, Data as XML, and future plans for M and data modeling at Microsoft.

    Don Box Discusses SOAP, XML, REST and M
  • Mark Pollack on Spring.NET 1.3 and 2.0

    Mark Pollack talks about the features coming in Spring.NET 1.3 and 2.0. He also covers Spring.NET Integration, the Stonehenge project and the relationship with Spring Java.

    Mark Pollack on Spring.NET 1.3 and 2.0
  • Eric Nelson on VS 2010 and .NET 4.0

    In this interview Eric Nelson talks about what’s coming in VS 2010, the C# – VB.NET convergence, the introduction of Parallel as a library, and Azure cloud computing.

    Eric Nelson on VS 2010 and .NET 4.0