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  • System Initiative Software Goes Open Source; Aims to Model and Automate Infrastructure Management

    System Initiative, a customizable power tool, recently open-sourced all of its software under the Apache License 2.0. The release of System Initiative's software to the open-source community aims at improving the DevOps landscape, with a specific emphasis on simulating the user’s infrastructure and using it to manage real-world systems.

  • The Spotify System Model: Automated Architecture Visualization at Spotify

    Spotify engineers recently published how they standardized architecture diagrams at the company. They defined a standard system model named the Spotify Software Model and adapted the C4 model to visualize it. This combination created a shared language used across the organization, which helps communication, aids decision-making, and supports Spotify's software's evolution.

  • Facebook Open-Sources PyText NLP Modeling Framework

    Facebook AI Research is open-sourcing PyText, a natural-language-processing (NLP) modeling framework that is used in the Portal video-calling device and M Suggestions in Facebook Messenger.

  • Continuous Delivery for (Smart) Trucks

    Peter Thorngren, from Volvo Trucks, explains how the future world of smart trucks and autonomous transportation systems rely deeply on continuous delivery techniques like virtualization, test automation and continuous integration.

  • Model-based Migration Approach for Maintenance of Legacy Software

    Hans van Wezep, software architect at Philips Healthcare, talked about model-based migration at the Bits&Chips Software Engineering conference. InfoQ did an interview with van Wezep about the challenges in maintaining legacy software, why manual refactoring is error prone, using models to refactor and migrate a codebase, and the benefits of using models when maintaining legacy software.

  • Developing Provably-Correct Software Using Formal Methods

    Computer-checked models can be used to prove that core communications and state management in a software program are 100% logically correct. Such models can also be used to generate 100% correct source code. The usage of formal methods can reduce costs and time to market and help to deliver highly reliable software products.

  • Testing Impact of Model Driven Development

    By using Model Driven Development component tests could be skipped and integration and system testing went a lot smoother, said Bryan Bakker in the presentation Model Driven Development (MDD) and its impact on testing. Main results from the MDD approach are a reduction of the amount of testing and increased reliability of the code that was generated from a mathematical model.

  • InterState: A Language and Environment for Expressing Interface Behavior

    InterState is a new programming language and environment aimed at addressing the challenges of writing and reusing user interface code. InterState's creators Stephen Oney, Brad Myers, and Joel Brandt claim in their paper that InterState can help programmers to better understand, navigate, and reuse their GUI components even with complex interfaces involving thousands of objects.

  • How to Do Just Enough Up-front Design

    This article includes advice for doing enough up-front architectural design to provide the needed structure to start a project, aligning the team with the architect’s vision and assessing the possible risks.

  • GenMyModel: An Online Real-time Collaborative UML Designer

    This article contains an interview on GenMyModel’s architecture, technology used and future.

  • Sparx Systems Has Released Enterprise Architect 9.2

    Sparx Systems, an Austrian based vendor of UML tools, has recently published version 9.2 of Enterprise Architect. The new version adds features like enhanced simulation capability and support for describing ontologies.

  • Jolt Award 2011 for Design, Planning, and Architecture Tools

    On October 26th, The Jolt Judges announced the awards for 2011 in the category “Design, Planning, and Architecture Tools”. In detail, the Jolt hall of fame now includes the products Paradigm for UML, Restructure 101, and Requirements Center 2010.

  • Model-Driven Approach to Service-Oriented Enterprise (SOE)

    Business-IT alignment, now part of mainstream EA, is increasingly viewed as an unnecessary overhead in a world where IT is a core business entity in the enterprise. Anirban Ray proposes a model driven approach to creating a SOE which makes a core assumption that IT is an integral part of the business which leads to business focused service offerings.

  • Software Architecture in the Movies

    Keeping up-to-date with software architecture can be a tough endeavor. Information is normally available within thick books or somewhere hidden in the Web. Another more entertaining way can be to watch clips available at video sites such as YouTube and Vimeo.

  • Mary Shaw and Dave Garlan have been honored for pioneering Research in Software Architecture

    The Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) have awarded Mary Shaw and Dave Garlan the Outstanding Research Award 2011. Both computer scientists have pioneered the work on Software Architecture at the Software Engineering Institute of the Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.