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  • Dave Thomas: EssUP Embraces Agility

    Dave Thomas, founder of the team that produced the Eclipse IDE and the Visual Age Java IDE, recently evaluated Ivar Jacobson's new Essential Unified Process (EssUP). His article on Dr. Dobb's Journal called it "a dramatic improvement to UP," concluding that it "embraces agility."

  • Architecture a Key Factor in Scaling Agile

    Scott Ambler's recent article "Scaling Agile Development Via Architecture" summarizes strategies for Agile teams regarding software architecture, and argues that an effective approach to architecture is an important key to successfully scaling Agile software development.

  • Fowler Begins Updating Patterns of EAA Including GUI Patterns

    Martin Fowler has started working on an update to his acclaimed book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture over the last few months. One of the major areas of focus thus far has been patterns relating to GUI architectures.

  • Use Modeling to Communicate Between IT and Business

    Communicating business requirements, operations structures, and technical solutions between IT and business people with different backgrounds has always been a challenge. The first book in the Architect Resource Library from the Microsoft Architectural Strategy Team shows how to use models to overcome this challenge: Dynamic Modeling: Aligning Business and IT.

  • Building Applications On Windows Workflow Foundation

    Three main factors that have limited the adoption of workflow models. The cost of most workflow products has been quite high. Integrating the workflow platform with existing systems and standardizing on a particular workflow model is also costly. Microsoft's David Green has written an article explaining the use cases for workflow and how to realize one with Windows Workflow Foundation.

  • Agile DSM Workshop at XP2006

    Steven Kelley and Alan Cameron Wills are holding a workshop at XP2006 in Oulu Finland on June 19th where participants will discuss how to add domain specific modeling to an agile software development project.

  • Should Architects Code? Agile Ones Do!

    One of the "religous" issues within the architecture community is whether or not architects should code, at least this is still being debated within the traditional community. For agilists, the answer is a resounding YES.