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  • How Leaders Can Foster High-Performing Teams

    A leader can act as a coach, provide opportunities for ownership, and find out what motivates people to foster high performing teams. It also helps teams if leaders have powerful and meaningful conversations with team members and give vocal feedback face to face to team members.

  • From "Doing the Things Right" to "Doing the Right Things"

    Peter Jacobs, CIO of ING Netherlands, gave a talk at Agile India 2018 in which he explained how fostering and practicing an Agile approach has been helping the organization do things right, and the challenges they are currently facing to guarantee that they actually do the right things.

  • How GlobalLogic Used a Bottom-up Approach to Become More Agile

    Yuriy Koziy, delivery manager at GlobalLogic, argued at the Agile Eastern Europe 2016 conference that organizational change should start at the team level rather than in senior management. He formed a group of like-minded engineering managers and agile coaches who act as change agents, transforming the organization bottom-up from the inside.

  • Decentralizing Organizations to Deal with Complexity

    Niels Pflaeging, founder of the BetaCodex Network, did the opening talk organize for complexity - how to get life back into work on the second day of the Dare Festival Antwerp 2014. He explained how decentralizing organizations is paramount to increase their performance and agility.

  • Empowered People Control Their Own Career

    Fons Leroy, CEO of VDAB (a public employment service in Belgium), talked about how innovation and co-creation has helped strengthen citizens on the labor market. He explored what VDAB is doing to empower citizens to be in the driver seat of their own career. Organizations can use a similar approach to empower employees and increase organizational agility.

  • How to Target Intrinsic Motivators - Champfrogs Checklist

    Jurgen Appelo has released a tool to help target intrinsic motivators in teams and individuals, his -Champfrogs checklist.

  • AnyPresence Soups up Enterprise MBaaS Platform- Part 1 of 2

    Mobile Backend as a Service provider AnyPresence continues to hone their chops. Launching the fifth update to their self-titled platform geared for the enterprise. Co-founder Rich Mendis provides some insights for InfoQ readers…

  • What HR or Managers can do to Support the Agile Transformation

    In an agile adoption, there is need to develop and sustain an agile culture. What can the Human Resources department or managers do to support the agile in their company, and lower the chance on employees concerns about their roles, assessments of their performance, and on their work environment?

  • Pradeep Soundararajan on the Negative Effects of Enforced Manual Testing

    In his blog “Tester Tested!” Pradeep Soundararajan recently published an interesting show case called "Story from a company that built "the best software testing tool". The blog author describes what happens if for business reasons testers are forced to perform tests manually in a "boring" routine activity.

  • Agile Teams as Cohesive Communities

    Agile projects are (should be?) highly collaborative team environments built on a foundation of trust and open, honest communication. Such collaborative environments don’t just happen, and they can be easily disrupted. There are many commentators who provide advice on how to establish and maintain collaborative teams. This article summarizes the advice from a few of them.